إنشاء تركيب المناظر الطبيعية Dream على شكل وسادة في هانجتشو

Create a pillow-shaped Dream landscape installation in Hangzhou,

Beijing-based architecture studio Penda China created a landscape installation for the first Qingshan Public Art Festival,

located in Qingshan, Huanghu Town, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, China.

The pillow-shaped installation, called Dream, was exhibited during the first Qingshan Public Art Festival in 2023.

Designed by Sun Dayong, Founder and Principal Architect of Penda China,

The business has taken shape based on his commitment to green environmental values, his enduring passion for design,

and the belief that architecture should provide spatial and psychological comfort to its users –

all of which led to his philosophy that “less is love”.


Create a pillow-shaped Dream landscape installation in Hangzhou


By advocating for actions that express concern for the well-being of people and the environment in which they exist,

Sun Dayong has created a series of recent projects that have been widely recognized by the architectural community and beyond.

The first Qingshan Public Art Festival brings contemporary art to rural Qingshan Village.

Under four organizational divisions consisting of “Public Art”, “Natural Theatre”, “Live Sound”, and “Local Connection”.


Create a pillow-shaped Dream landscape installation in Hangzhou


Design features

Different departments differently support experiences of seeing, hearing,

traveling and learning to build new connections between audiences, art and nature.

“Dream” was chosen by curator Jiang Jian as the first piece to be exhibited in the village,

effectively opening the festival, while at the same time opening the “Local Connection” section as well.

Sun Dayong’s piece takes the natural environment and cultural landscape of Qingshan Village as the starting point,

It aims to embody the different contemplative experiences envisioned by the festival.


Create a pillow-shaped Dream landscape installation in Hangzhou


I quote the philosopher Kant: “Two things fill the mind with new and growing admiration

and reverence—the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.”

The vault of heaven is a cover, the fields of wheat are woven mats,

The green hills are like tents in the distance: the vast scenery of ten thousand acres of fertile land and tranquil atmosphere provides a “dream” environment.

The landscape installation is inspired by the shape of a pillow,

giving visitors a chance to interact and immerse themselves in an experience that combines art and nature.


Create a pillow-shaped Dream landscape installation in Hangzhou


Within the 15.6 square kilometer rural area of the festival,

Various rural places such as meadows, bamboo forests, and reservoirs can be found in varying proximity to the facility.

Dream is designed to be placed on domestic fields:

taking into account the operational scale of construction equipment and the need to protect crops and the natural environment,

The business location changed hands several times, and finally settled in several selected farmland locations.

Next to the road, far from any trees, wheat seedlings stretch into the distance,

providing an immersive and exciting environment for working, while also inspiring an atmosphere of quiet relaxation.


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