DESERT PAVILION International Architecture Competition مسابقة جناح الصحراء الدولية للعمارة

DESERT PAVILION International Architecture Competition

The DESERT PAVILION is presented as a real and different alternative for all those who want to be in balance with the natural ecosystem, in an artistic and aquatic environment, in the midst of contemporary architecture.

An architectural element of contemplation will be created that can be visited by visitors throughout the year and can contain spaces for temporary art exhibitions and event rooms. The pavilion will have a Beach Club, which can be for large outdoor festivals and a Viewpoint as a top view of the Pavilion. His mere presence will become a milestone on the road. It will be possible to reach it through the road or by yacht through a pier that must be projected.


1º PRIZE US $ 4,000
+ Exhibition and diffusion in the main architecture sites worldwide.
+ Virtual booklet of the best proposals.

+ Exhibition and diffusion in the main architecture sites worldwide.
+ Virtual booklet of the best proposals.


30nd january 2023 | Call to announcement
30-05st febrary 2023 | Pre registry
06nd febrary 2023| Start of inscriptions
27nd febrary 2023 | End of the first stage of registration
17nd march 2023 | Ad members of the Jury
23nd march 2023 | End of consultation period
24nd march 2023 | Second stage of registration ends
14nd april 2023 | End of registration period
29th april 2023 | Deadline for submission of proposals
15st may 2023 | Judgment of the jury
17nd may 2023 | Dissemination of results
22nd may 2023 | Awards


Check the official website to see the current rate at:


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