Design of galleries and museums
Design of galleries and museums,
If you’ve been trying to design a permanent or temporary museum exhibit, you already know they make the perfect outing.
Through a successful museum exhibition, you can provide individuals and families with a unique way to learn and experience history, inspiration, art, and wonder.
But it raises the question – how do you come up with a great museum exhibit design?
A successful museum exhibit design enhances the experience your visitors receive and the learning or entertainment value they take from it.
No matter what you’re exhibiting, we have a few suggestions that can help any museum create a winning display.
Here are our top 10 tips for designing a great museum experience:

تصميم صالات العرض والمتاحف


Consider “visitor personas” and a clear audience

Before you begin designing a successful museum exhibition, you should aim to understand who your intended visitors are and what they want from the experience.
Creating and targeting specific customer personas is a great way to achieve this.
And if you are part of an already established museum, you can start by assessing the demographics of your existing customers.
If you are building a new or temporary facility, you can start by looking at the demographics of the area around you.
Either way, you can start creating Visitor Personas based on the data and who you think your topic will be most interested and engaging with.
As you start planning, you’ll want to tailor your museum exhibition design to these people.

The art of telling stories

There is no better way to make your visitors feel like they are part of the art or history or fully immersed than through the art of museum storytelling.
At first, you may be tempted to focus on just one overarching story for each of your exhibits.
But don’t think of markers as just being able to identify and date artifacts.
And while this is an important component of successful museum exhibition design, it is missing one key component – the stories within the story.
You can also use banners to tell specific, detailed stories about pieces that fit into the larger frame of your screen.
This is an interesting way to further immerse and educate your visitors.
As human beings, it is the stories behind historical artifacts and large paintings that help us feel connected to them.
You can use signage and interactive kiosks.

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Create a linear flow through the museum exhibit

Just as most stories are best told linearly and chronologically, so are the museum exhibits.
You want to design the experience to “walk” visitors through history, it’s important to create a sense of time and place in every part of the screen.
This is especially true when creating an exhibit about history, inventions, or the evolution of the natural world, but you can do more than arrange the display along a timeline.
To design an attractive museum exhibit, use display graphics, posters, signage, sounds, and interactive technology as visual cues.
As these can help you fully immerse your visitors in different time periods.

Use graphic design to create interest, flow, and focus

The use of graphic design is vital to bringing your museum exhibit to life.
This can mean anything from signs and labels to banners and bulky set pieces.
At a basic level, signs and graphics can help regulate traffic flow.
It is also one of the best tools for turning your museum exhibit into a themed environment.
Instead of putting your visitors in the role of casual observers, you can immerse them in the experience.
And with the right environment, they will feel like active participants in history.
The Kennedy Space Center exhibits are a great example, and how they make people feel like astronauts on the International Space Station.

تصميم صالات العرض والمتاحف

Integrate interactive learning with gamification

حاول الاستفادة من أحدث التقنيات في صناعة الألعاب لخلق تجارب ممتعة وتفاعلية للأطفال.
سينتهي بك الأمر إلى إنشاء تجربة يمكن للعائلة بأكملها الاستمتاع بها ، وأفضل جزء هو أنه يمكن دمج الألعاب في تصميم معرض متحف بأي ميزانية.
ويمكنك التفكير في الخيارات منخفضة التقنية مثل دمج “البحث عن الكنز” الخفي.
يتضمن ذلك العناصر المخفية في المرئيات والرسومات التي يمكن للعائلات المرور خلالها والعثور عليها معًا.
أو يمكنك استخدام تقنية عالية ، مع ألعاب تفاعلية قابلة للنقر على الأكشاك والشاشات الرقمية.



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