Euroconsult – Brand design

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Get your projects off the ground
Euroconsult Group is the world's leading strategy consulting firm specializing in the space and satellite-related sectors. Private and totally independent, it assists private companies and government entities in making strategic decisions. It is a leading player in the space industry and organizes annual summits and training programs for the satellite industry.
Euroconsult recently acquired SATConsult, a consulting firm specialized in satellite infrastructure design.
30 years of activity and inevitable changes have led to the decision to rethink the visual identity of the structure and the brand architecture of the group in order to accurately reflect the present activity and future goals.

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The idea of the logo is very simple. It consists in replacing the letter “o” of the word “consult” by a small moon or planet in levitation. The small shift in height introduces the idea of movement, of taking off.
The baseline “Get your space projects off the ground” is based on this idea of taking off, of gaining height. This baseline can be used for each type of project within Euroconsult's field of action.

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Brand architecture 
Euroconsult is the first subsidiary of the Euroconsult Group. It represents the consulting and event organization activities of the Group.
Satconsult is the second subsidiary company of Euroconsult Group. More technical than Euroconsult, it deals with fields related to space engineering.

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