“Every Line is a Decision: The Life and Legacies of Peter Palumbo” is the next two-year exhibition that just debuted at the Edith Farnsworth House. The ownership of the home, its restoration, and Lord Peter Palumbo’s lifelong commitment to the arts and architecture are the main topics of this exhibition.
The mansion, by Mies van der Rohe in 1951 for Dr. Edith Farnsworth, was a weekend getaway by Lord Palumbo. Through his connectioartn the international arts scene as well as his unwavering belief that Mies changed the course of modern architecture and that the Farnsworth House was his best residential design. He guided the house, which was previously only in architectural circles, to international recognition.
Every Line is a Decision: The Life and Legacies of Peter Palumbo
This exhibition offers a perspective and appeals to both those who are familiar with the house and those who aren’t.
Our press announcement and portfolio are there for your consideration. On request, we can provide additional images in both.jpeg and. tiff format. If you are interested, we would be pleased to conduct an interview with you and provide any additional information before other media outlets.
Finally, to read more about architecture o
n Archup:
Building a triangular housing block whose cantilevered corner forms a gate
Design of a women’s restaurant using five glass blocks with a wooden frame