The Garden, a handcrafted outdoor furniture installation from discarded materials at Milan Design Week 2022 by Otherside Objects.
‘The Garden,’ is an ethereal outdoor installation of furniture from salvaged materials. It was unveiled by Los Angeles-based studio Otherside Objects at Milan Design Week 2022. Environmental awareness and the challenge of creating something new within an existing form inspired this project.
It seeks to creatively depict a visceral sense referred – the instant we experience a fall in our dreams and the jarring jump or the landing we wake up to, known as a hypnic jerk. It draws inspiration from movies like Last Year in Marienbad, Tarkovsky’s Mirror, and Kurosawa’s Dreams.
The Garden, where dripping shapes appear to have fallen from the sky and settled in a topiary dream sequence, was an investigation of the meaning of dreams and memory. It is a conversation between beautiful soft, fallen forms and organized geometries.
Exploring the significance of dreams and memory
Visitors were brilliantly able to reach a dream-like relaxation during their waking hours because of the delicately draped materials and pillows that had inspiration from duvets.
“I’m fascinated by dreams because we spend so much of our waking lives living in these fantastical settings and distorted representations of the real world.
Sam Klemick, the founder of Otherside Objects, says, “I wanted The Garden to capture this feeling by creating an experience that feels as strange as a dream but with physical objects, we can experience and use in our waking life.
Moreover, the studio debuted four new pieces at The Garden: the Landing Stool; Playstation; Wavy Bench; and the Nap Chair.
Finally, each amazing simple product is from salvaged materials. Including construction-grade Douglas fir rescued from the streets of Los Angeles, deadstock canvas, and artifacts destined for the dump.
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