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鉅程空間設計 / CHU CHENG不只有高冷意味的黑白灰,揉合人的浪漫與渴望,以及對居宅最基本的依戀作為設計創作者一家三口的居宅,窗外的溫柔綠意呼應著內部的寧靜純粹,設計師運用材質特性,層層疊疊地向內推進,演化出場域的性格,也擺脫冰冷無趣的既定印象。黑白在這裡像是鋼琴琴鍵,錯落並產生一種彈躍,而灰色就像中介質地,乘載了黑之重,也過度了白之輕,讓空間處於極致的平衡。拿捏著一種恰好的欲言又止,說盡了對家含蓄的渴望與美感。→ Full Story on
Sustainable design and use of environmentally friendly materials, Have you seen pictures of futuristic cities with flying cars, clean streets and cool tall buildings? Many cities suffer from overcrowded streets, increased air pollution, and problems with affordable housing. But there…
Villa interior design ideas, The villas are large homes, with their own separate outlets for different tasks and activities. If you have built a villa for yourself, it must have come about after years of planning, conceptualization, design and discussions….
Designed for outdoor adventurers, the Shine is a compact, lightweight portable wind turbine that can fit inside a backpack. From coastal exploration to mountain climbing, packing for an adventure is key, and so is the portable charger nowadays. But bulky…
Great for people with hearing impairments. The Bone’s a separate set of headphones. It vibrates through the skull (instead of the ears) to play music. When we came across British designer Hans Rimzen’s conceptual “Bone” headphones, we wanted to understand…