How to photograph architectural designs,

Today’s culture is associated with images, and it has been observed that photographic architecture is more successful than non-photographed architecture.

Architectural photography has many advantages: it allows people to gain a visual understanding of buildings that they may never have the opportunity to visit,

creating a valuable resource that allows us to expand our architectural vocabulary.

However, the following tips aim not only to enhance the visual power of your architectural images, but also the stories you tell –

going beyond individual images to communicate the relationships of buildings to their contexts, space and time.

1. Filming in different weather conditions and different hours of the day

People often tend to seek out the most dramatic lights to capture architectural wonders, such as sunsets when shadows are elongated and colors are vivid.

While this often results in pictures with a great atmosphere, it only depicts the atmosphere at a specific point in time.

Taking a series of photos during different times of the day, or even in different weather conditions, can help weave a more complete history of the building in relation to its surroundings.

2. Pay attention to good lighting

No matter when you take photos, good lighting should always be the priority.

Good lighting in architecture helps to emphasize a particular space, structure or atmosphere and thus plays an important role in shaping an understanding of what is important in that particular project.


 How to photograph architectural designs


3. Find a special angle for shooting

Playing with the landscape of the image can also be fun and rewarding,

so you should look for a different angle from which the image can present an abstraction of the building’s details,

which can lead to another level of beauty and appreciation of its forms.

4. Include people in the photo

There is no architecture without the presence of people in the photo, the presence of people in the photos will not pollute the absolute beauty of the projects.

5. Explore the finer details in buildings

While shooting with wide angle lenses, it’s usually the smartest thing to do when it comes to architectural photography.

Buildings contain hundreds of minute details that are lost when an entire facade or environment is captured in a single image.

Exploring the details up close can reveal something new about, say, a building’s history or construction.


 How to photograph architectural designs


6. Avoid targeting the building

Imagine the shock of visiting a building that you only saw a photographer from a good angle.

So materializing a building to the point where only the viewpoint can be seen is one of the greatest damages to architectural photography.

And it’s not so much the exaggerated urban myth that architects design scenic buildings for their portraits,

but more about photography which becomes the primary reference point for architecture.

Making an effort to record the full spatial context of a building is not easy, but it is not impossible either.

7. Use appropriate tools to get the image out well

Image manipulation has become a standard step in photography, allowing you to adjust your image to create the perfect atmosphere you want to capture.

While images must be changed with a clear understanding of what type of changes are acceptable,

programs like photoshop and Lightroom are easy to use with a variety of advanced functions.

And if you’re looking for an easy way to create a panoramic photo with a series of photos, try Hugin.

8. Use suitable equipment for shooting

If you are serious about investing in quality architectural photography, purchasing the right equipment will pay off.

Wide angle lenses are widely used for shooting buildings and small spaces, and the inclusion of a tripod can open up your possibilities for shooting in low-light conditions, among other things.

Using a polarizing filter can also help add contrast and make your photos brighter.

If you’re looking for something on another level, drones with a good camera can produce good photos.


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