phonocut فونوكت

The vinyl record, arguably the most iconic analog sound storage media, has made a remarkable comeback in recent years. With a single push of a button, Phonocut allows you to record your vinyl records.

An average music listener consumes up to 5 hours of music each day, the majority of which is via streaming services on electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops.

The digitalization of music has decreased the materiality of records to ever-lower numbers while also giving analog forms like vinyl a unique and distinctive value.

Other art forms, such as photography, have seen the same phenomenon, with the film being almost fully supplanted by digital formats, whether via digital cameras or smartphones.

The vinyl format has made an unexpected comeback in recent years, but vinyl record production has remained limited to high-volume production, and a user-friendly quality disc recorder has never been effectively developed.

What’s the point of a personal vinyl recorder? Records that last a long time

Phonocut is both a return to the past and a glimpse into the future. While digital formats are extremely efficient and accessible, only analog excites all of the senses. Therefore, it results in a genuine link between the user and the product.

Not only that, but we easily lose digitality among millions of other files. But the analog physical presence is still available for future generations to experience and discover.

Despite the fact that you can scratch/distort the records if you store them the wrong way. But if you care for them and store them properly, they can last for millennia.

Florian Kaps, Flo Kaufmann, Catholic, Kamran V, and David Bohnet are the brains behind Phonocut

Florian Kaps aka Doc, best known for bringing polaroid film back from the brink of extinction with The Impossible Project, which subsequently became the Polaroid Lab, is now refusing to accept the near-extinction of another wonderful analog format: vinyl.

Phonocut attempted to make the fantasy of having a personal vinyl recorder a reality with the help of a team of professionals including Flo Kaufmann, KamranV, CREAHOLIC, and David Bohnett.

Plastic Engraving Materials and Techniques – Phonocut

What exactly is vinyl? A vinyl record is a type of phonograph record that is from polyvinyl chloride and comes in the format of a flat plastic disc. We often recognize it as the most iconic analog sound storage medium.

Throughout the twentieth century, vinyl was the primary medium for music reproduction. With the introduction of new digital formats such as the compact disc, the format suffered a downturn. Despite this quick transformation, vinyl records remained to appeal to some niche markets, and the vinyl format saw a remarkable resurrection in the first decade of the twenty-first century.

Music is stored on analog sound storage mediums like vinyl in the form of physical grooves that spiral inwards across the disc. A thin stylus feels the etching, which is subsequently translated into audio.

We determine the duration capacity of vinyl records by the diameter and revolutions per minute (rpm) of the record. The various durations of vinyl made music terminologies that we still use today, such as LP and EP.

Aesthetics & Style – Technological Vintage

Despite its cutting-edge technology and excellent user-friendliness, the Phonocut has the appealing retro aesthetic associated with traditional vinyl players.

The vinyl records themselves generate a powerful aesthetic, depicting the user as a technophile, an analog enthusiast, and an audiophile.

Music and analog heritage persistence as a design remembrance

Phonocut is a testament to the fact that some technology, despite its age, can leave a lasting and enthralling legacy. The Analog vs. Digital dichotomy has come to define a plethora of aesthetics, and Phonocut, as well as other gadgets like the Polaroid Lab, bring the two sides closer together and into a new and refreshing perspective.


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