KUDOS, honestly good supermarket

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According to the law, the minimum strawberry diameter must be 18 mm. Laws like that are responsible for 20% of produced food in the EU been wasted.

Kudos is an honestly good supermarket that sells out-of-standard fruit and veggies, products with slightly damaged packaging, and juices & jams made from the unsold fruit. The project aims at the young cool kids who want to fight food waste.

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To make the Kudos experience even better 
there is a small bar area. 

Have you ever partied in a supermarket? 😉​​​​​​​

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“Kudos” means thank you, and that is what we want to say to people who change the way they consume in order to make the world a better place. Thinking about all the stages in the production cycle where food waste is created, we decide to tackle this with our inventive different solution.
We buy our products directly from farmers that otherwise would not be paid because of the “regular” supermarkets’ standards.

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After Kudos closes at midnight there might be some fruits and veggies left, so we create juices and jams out of them. This way, the minimum amount of food is wasted.
These juices and jams are the last opportunities these fruits and veggies have to be eaten, this is their last chance. 🕗 🕝 🕙

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As food waste is a huge world problem in general, at Kudos we wanted to educate about this topic in a playful and fun way, not to make this content even more sad or boring to consume. 

ELISAVA Master in Visual Design Project 2021 
by Marina Coll & Lisa Kuntysh

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