The Lighthouse Hotel Architecture & Interior Design Competition invites architects and designers to transform an abandoned lighthouse into a boutique hotel on the scenic Tremiti Islands. The competition focuses on revamping the interior spaces while seamlessly integrating the structure with its surrounding landscape, emphasizing the terrace overlooking the sea.

Key Details

  • Objective: Design a boutique hotel within an abandoned lighthouse on the Tremiti Islands.
  • Focus: Interior transformation and integration with external areas, particularly the terrace.
  • Scope: Interior design solutions, external area interventions, and landscape coherence.

Competition Phases

Phase 1 (Initial Design Submission)

  • Submission Requirements:
    • 2 x A1 panels (594 x 841 mm, landscape)
    • Brief text describing the proposal.
  • Deadline: September 6, 2024, 3:00 pm CET
  • Winners Announcement: October 7, 2024

Phase 2 (Final Design Submission for Selected Finalists)

  • Submission Requirements:
    • 4 x A1 panels (594 x 841 mm, landscape)
    • Technical report with texts and images.
  • Deadline: November 22, 2024, 3:00 pm CET
  • Winners Announcement: December 16, 2024


  • 1st Prize: €15,000
  • 4 Finalists: €3,000 each
  • 3 Golden Mentions: €1,000 each
  • 10 Honorable Mentions: 1 free competition coupon each
  • 30 Finalists

Jury Panel

  • Paolo De Matteis Larivera (EMI Holding S.P.A., Italy)
  • Daniel Perez (AIASF, USA)
  • Martina Mitrović (IZVID Studio, Serbia)
  • Harrison Stallan (OMA, Netherlands)
  • Paola Buselli (De.Tales, Italy)
  • Utkan Gunerkan (Studio Utkan Gunerkan, Turkey)
  • Stefania Carraro (SDA Bocconi, Italy)
  • Flavio Mirabella (Quincoces-Dragó, Italy)

Finally, find out more on ArchUp:

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