In the bustling city of Bucharest, Romania, Bogdan Ciocodeica Studio has brought forth a captivating vision of “blurry vision” in the design of the Lunet Eyewear Store. Positioned as the third installment in the series of Lunet stores designed by the studio, this innovative space immerses visitors in a playful and pixelated environment, where every element is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of whimsy and intrigue. From pixelated furnishings to translucent latex curtains, the store’s design narrative unfolds like a digital dreamscape, inviting guests to embark on a journey of discovery and imagination.

A Pixelated Playground: Design Concept and Inspiration

Bogdan Ciocodeica Studio drew inspiration from the concept of “blurry vision” to create a space that challenges traditional perceptions of interior design. By stylizing shapes and volumes to their essence and stripping away unnecessary details, the studio has crafted a visual language reminiscent of low-resolution images, brimming with vitality and energy. This pixelated aesthetic serves as the cornerstone of the store’s identity, infusing every corner with a sense of playful experimentation and artistic expression.

Exploring Pixelation: From Furnishings to Fixtures

At the heart of the Lunet store lies a curated collection of pixelated furnishings and fixtures that blur the lines between reality and imagination. Glasses are artfully displayed on tall wooden shelving units, featuring square cutouts that mimic the blocky form of pixels, while translucent latex curtains add depth and texture to the space, casting a dreamlike ambiance. Pixel-style cutouts adorn chairs, rugs, and even the service desk, creating a cohesive visual narrative that seamlessly integrates with the store’s overarching theme.

Interactive Design Elements: Engaging the Senses

More than just a retail space, the Lunet store offers visitors a multi-sensory experience that stimulates the imagination and ignites curiosity. Freestanding L-shaped partitions showcase additional glasses, each equipped with a full-length mirror and set on wheels for easy mobility. A central seating area beckons guests to relax and unwind amidst pixelated charm, with wide-set wooden chairs featuring armrests adorned with the signature pixelated edging. Even the store’s flooring, composed of gridded tiles, adds to the immersive atmosphere, inviting guests to explore every inch of this pixelated paradise.

Evoking Emotion: From Concept to Execution

Throughout the design process, Bogdan Ciocodeica Studio remained committed to evoking emotion and fostering a sense of connection with visitors. By carefully selecting materials, colors, and textures, the studio created a warm and inviting atmosphere that encourages exploration and discovery. From the playful peek-a-boo openings in the burnt-orange rug to the vibrant graphic feature wall in the eye test room, every design element serves to captivate the senses and evoke a sense of wonder.

Conclusion: A Pixelated Utopia of Design Innovation

In conclusion, the Lunet Eyewear Store by Bogdan Ciocodeica Studio stands as a testament to design innovation and creative expression. By embracing the pixelated aesthetic and reimagining traditional design principles, the studio has crafted a captivating space that transcends conventional boundaries and invites guests to embark on a journey of visual discovery. From its whimsical furnishings to its interactive design elements, the Lunet store offers a glimpse into a pixelated utopia where imagination knows no bounds.

Interior of Lunet boutique in Bucharest, designed by Bogdan Ciocodeica Studio

The photography is by Vlad Patru.


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