Benefits of increasing the humidity in your home
The best building material for hot humid climates
The best roofing material for hot climates
Insulating building materials that work best
I am an architectural journalist and publisher interested in highlighting and presenting interior design best practices to my audience. I am always looking for new stories and ideas that will inspire my readers and enhance their lives
Villa Food ParkO Rolê GastronômicoO Villa é um espaço gastronômico aberto com cozinhas itinerantes funcionando dentro de containers reformados – burgers, comida japonesa, drinks especiais, atrações musicais, chef convidados e muito empreendedorismo local. A sobreposição de todas iniciativas cria uma atmosfera plural, viva, mutante e cheia de possibilidades.Compartilhe no VillaO Villa é pensado para ir além…
monomode.經歷疫情的起伏進而觀察到公共飲食區域存在的必要性以及衛生疑慮,在後疫情的環境下,我們希望提供給消費者一個新的公共飲食環境選擇。藉由整合防疫及公共飲食區域的訴求,重新規劃飲食家具在公共空間的樣貌以及使用流程,賦予公共飲食家具符合後疫情時代的功能及特徵,降低公共飲食的飛沫傳播,提升衛生安全,從家具設計的角度出發,給消費者安心的公共飲食環境。Through the ups and downs of the epidemic, we have observed the necessity of public eating areas and health concerns. In the post-epidemic environment, we hope to provide consumers with a new choice of public eating environment.BackgroundCOVID-19 has become a trend of global spread. The food and epidemic prevention regulations across the country are constantly changing,…
Digital marketing is changing how companies, including architecture firms, market themselves. As of this year, the digital marketing industry is worth $460 billion and is expected to grow to $786.2 billion by 2026. If you are thinking of hiring digital…
Over the past two years, the metaverse has gained prominence, prompting architects to consider its implications for our relationship with the physical environment. And how can architecture contribute to this new virtual space. Architecture in the metaverse is no longer…