Making cities fit for Green Deal Development – Impact Analysis جعل المدن مناسبة لتنمية الصفقات الخضراء - تحليل الأثر

Making cities fit for Green Deal Development – Impact Analysis

New educational offer in sustainable spatial development & invitation to test:
“Making cities fit for Green Deal Development – Impact Analysis”
A team of Austrian and Bulgarian urban development, impact (focus GreenDeal), and IT experts is elaborating a training to strengthen the green skills of urban and rural development staff. Including decision-makers and investors. Also, On 31.3.2023, 4pm CET the next pilot training on impact analysis will take place – free of charge and online.

In our changing world and marketplace, vocational training is needed that strengthen skills profiles in innovative, inclusive, green thinking and competence. Ideally, it integrates multi-stakeholder and multi-discipline participation, and teaches visioning with impact in mind, to create lasting outputs based on shared societal values.
Also, Holistic urban development pioneer Laura P. Spinadel (, BUSarchitektur, Austria), Sustainability and IT expert karyon (, Austria). And the Institute for Urban Planning (up. bg, Bulgaria) teamed up with representatives of the target groups to deliver a practical training program referring to the core values of the New European Green Deal.
Two major components are planned:
– Green Deal training program – consisting of 3 pieces of training on (1) Green Deal & context (incl. taxonomy), (2) impact analysis, and (3) participation
– Interactive Green Deal Readiness Check – Determine skill level, gather inspiration, and develop further
Take your chance to get a taste: Participate in our online taster training. “Green Deal Impact analysis” is available on March 31, 2023, at 4 pm CET. It addresses development stakeholders seeking to improve city areas in a future-proof way. Participants will find inspiration to integrate impact thinking (concerning Green Deal guidelines). This, due to new regulations, becomes more and more important to find financing for the realization of such projects.
Interested parties are also invited to complete an online Green Deal Fit survey. The results help the team to better adapt the (future) offers of the educational program to target groups’ needs and detect synergies for cooperation. Also, To register for the taster training and to access the survey, please visit greendealcheck. EU
The project, co-funded with European subsidies (ERASMUS+) started in May 2022 and will go on until January 2024. Also, It builds upon the innovation of URBAN MENUS. Therefore, providing process know-how and a web-based 3D software for participatory & impact-oriented urban planning.


Finally, read more on Archup:

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