Parks and Recreation

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The public sports and recreation complex in Warsaw’s Zoliborz dates back to 1950, it was originally designed by modernist architect Stanisław Barylski*.
The buildings have fallen into disrepair, and the city recently appointed our frequent collaborators at Chapman Taylor to master-plan and design a new life for the place.

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After extensive consultations with the local community, this gem of a project was developed. We chose the light and airy atmosphere to reflect the sense of joy and carefreeness the space will provide.

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*Barylski also designed residential houses around Warsaw’s fanciest historic neighbourhood of Saska Kępa, a favourite among artists and writers, as well as where our office happens to be (brag brag).


Client: Chapman Taylor
Project: OSiR Zoliborz, Warsaw, Poland
Deliverables: Set of architectural visualisations
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