Architecture Competition: reGENERATE Ideas Challenge

The City of New Westminster has made a strong commitment to tackling the housing crisis and implementing proactive measures to combat climate change. This includes reevaluating our approach to growth planning.

Come join us in our efforts to establish a sustainable community around the 22nd Street SkyTrain Station, where all individuals can prosper in a climate-conscious environment.

We would like to extend an invitation for you to take part in the reGENERATE Ideas Challenge. This challenge calls for the submission of proposals that address inquiries such as:

  • How can we plan for neighbourhood growth with climate change at the forefront of our thinking?
  • What are the most urgent adaptation measures we need to design into our communities?
  • How do we best reduce our emissions through neighbourhood or building design?
  • How can we plan neighbourhoods that are inclusive and safe for everyone, now and into the future?

We are interested in ideas that fall under the following themes:

  • Focused development close to transportation, varied and reasonably priced housing, and land usage
  • Mobility, Access, and Infrastructure: environmentally friendly modes of transportation and infrastructure
  • Water and Landscape: linked open areas, sustainable food systems, and design based on nature
  • Buildings, Energy & Waste: potential for a circular economy, embodied energy and carbon, energy efficiency and conservation, zero emission buildings, local renewable energy
  • Sense of place and safety, cultural celebration, and communal well-being are examples of community connections and belonging.

All suggestions are appreciated, no matter how basic or sophisticated! Perhaps you have an idea for a fully designed block or neighborhood, or a program or policy. One or more of the aforementioned subjects may be covered by your proposal. We welcome everything!


You can receive up to $5K in award money for your idea. Award levels are as follows:

  • Top Comprehensive Idea ($5,000)
  • Top Local Community Idea ($2,000)
  • Community’s Choice Award ($1,500)
  • Top Youth Idea ($500)
  • Honourable Mentions ($200)


Finally, find out more on ArchUp:

TRANSFER Architecture Video Award 2023

Tiny House 2023

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