Sevvy | Smart Cooker

From industrial food processing system to easy cooking 
experience at home

Whether it’s a lack of knowledge or a lack of time when preparing a varied menu; serving a healthy, nutrition-dense meal on a daily basis is a struggle for a lot of people. That’s why Sevvy asked us to make their cooking technology available for everyone. Making it possible to serve high quality, tasty and healthy meals with minimum effort at home. Preferably in an eye-catching design to compliment your counter.

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Reinventing the product

We were asked to scale down an industrial cooking system and its technology, making it a userfriendly, appealing and convenient consumer product. Not only by limiting its size, but also its costs. To understand the technology and its possibilities we first evaluated the device to see what it does and how it works exactly. Using this knowledge to come up with solutions for home-use while defining a clearer vision on the target audience. Creating a design language to make the device look like a refreshing new cooking product that reflects the pureness of the prepared ingredients.

We don’t grow 
when things are easy

To create a consumer product out of an industrial solution for specialists requires adaptive engineering from our side. For example, we had to find a new affordable solution for some expensive components without losing the essence of the product.

Since the device uses a revolutionary new way to heat ingredients and cook meals, we had to make sure all electronics were implemented well to make it completely safe to use for consumers. To make the entire solution even more convenient we connected the device to a smart app to enrich the experience by creating a community full of tips, tricks and recipes. Making it also possible for Sevvy to collect data to further improve the product’s experience.

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We create value by design

We created a new appealing, affordable and convenient cooking device for consumers based on a technology formerly used on an industrial scale. Making it possible to serve a delicious meal at home in no time without failure. With the smart app users are able to control the device from a distance while getting inspired about all possibilities. Allowing Sevvy to collect data and learn from their users to improve their products and services.

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