STATS 5 BEDROOMS 5 BATHS 3,400 SQ. FT. $22 MILLIONPedigree: In 1968 architect John…

STATS 5 BEDROOMS 5 BATHS 3,400 SQ. FT. $22 MILLIONPedigree: In 1968 architect John…
STATS 5 BEDROOMS 5 BATHS 3,400 SQ. FT. $22 MILLIONPedigree: In 1968 architect John Lautner crafted this daring beachside house, whose unique profile made it an instant local icon. Reminiscent of two converging waves, the curving concrete roof yields a series of irregularly shaped spaces, including the sheltered lap pool adjacent to the glass-walled living area. The current owner, Michael LaFetra—a film producer and specialist in the restoration of 20th-century architecture—undid previous altera…

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