Over the last decade, the town has engaged in long-term planning for repurposing and redeveloping former industrial land round the Culver City Metro Expo Line Station. the town and therefore the former Culver City Redevelopment Agency identified and assembled land for potential redevelopment sites, rezoned the land to accommodate transit-oriented development uses, and implemented a TOD District Streetscape decide to improve walkability, biking and promote sustainable development.
The TOD District comprises about 51 acres, with approximately a million sq. ft. of development. It sits strategically between Culver City’s downtown, the Helms Bakery/Arts District, and is adjacent to the Hayden Tract creative office/tech neighborhood. the town is now that specialize in first and last-mile travel beyond the TOD District. HOV (high-occupancy vehicle) lanes and micro transit are a number of the ideas being explored to more fully realize the promise of transit-oriented development, bringing housing, shopping and employment together around convenient mass transit to enhance regional air quality and mobility.
Public art will be a visible part of this project as a means by which artists respond to and propose alternate modes of organization within the built environment.
Download the information related to this competition here.
The Green Open Space at Washington & National Blvds. -
Call for Submissions -
Submission Deadline
March 04, 2021 02:31 PM -
Free -
Country Restrictions
United States