Welcome to ArchUp, the leading bilingual platform dedicated to architects, designers, and urban planners. I am Ibrahim Fawakherji, a licensed architect with over a decade of professional experience since 2011, specializing in architectural content curation, digital publishing, and industry insights.
As Chief Editor at ArchUp, I am committed to delivering reliable, expert-driven content that enhances architectural knowledge and fosters a trusted community of professionals. Our mission is to document, analyze, and share the latest developments in architecture news, architectural research, and ArchUp.
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BRANDING, ILLUSTRATION, PACKAGINGConectar educação e sustentabilidade de forma educativa, lúdica e divertida. Esses foram os pontos de partida para a FAZER FABER, edição especial dos Ecolápis da Faber Castell. A embalagem se transforma em 3 objetos baseados nos 3 Rs da Sustentabilidade: Reduzir, Reutilizar e Reciclar._Connecting education and sustainability in an educational, playful and fun project. These were…

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Singularity VBuildings, no distractions, reduced to the max.Follow me on instagram to keep updated.——Available as Prints:Thank you for watching!Feel free to follow:web // instagram // facebook // twitter—get my newsletter

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BRANDING, ILLUSTRATION, PACKAGINGConectar educação e sustentabilidade de forma educativa, lúdica e divertida. Esses foram os pontos de partida para a FAZER FABER, edição especial dos Ecolápis da Faber Castell. A embalagem se transforma em 3 objetos baseados nos 3 Rs da Sustentabilidade: Reduzir, Reutilizar e Reciclar._Connecting education and sustainability in an educational, playful and fun project. These were…

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