‘acb living’ by lighthouse 


Within the small town of Ashibeura in Nagasaki, the Japanese practice Lighthouse was invited to design the new spaces of ACB Living, a cafe and co-working hub that provides off-site training for several companies. Responding to the local problem of vacant lands, the architects decided to disperse the functions of ACB Living across the town — including training rooms, reception areas, and shared office spaces.


By doing so, not only are forgotten spots revitalized, but spontaneous interactions with locals are bound to unfold while office users walk through different streets and corners.‘The spatial format attempted here does not limit the program in this town. Works for both homes and shops. This is a proposal for a new lifestyle in which people are loosely connected throughout the region,’ writes the practice. 

this co-working hub in nagasaki maximizes connection to its small-town context

all images © Yashiro Photo Office 



blurring the boundaries


Regarding the main headquarters, Lighthouse (see more here) resorted to minimizing the interior area of ACB Living across both levels and maximizing outdoor space at the far end of the site for efficient energy consumption. Considering the surrounding three buildings and climatic conditions, the team searched for a form that would allow for optimal use of natural energy in this location. For example, the space where office users can see from the front street to the neighboring building in the back was designed based on wind passage.


Moreover, the outdoor space with no outer wall has an agricultural sheet that can be opened and closed, making it possible to adjust the amount of light and wind penetrating the building. The softly swaying sheet visualizes the wind and obscures the site boundaries.

this co-working hub in nagasaki maximizes connection to its small-town contexttwo-floor headquarters that maximizes connection to the outdoors



‘Here, the site boundaries are ambiguous, and the intention is to create a relationship in which the surroundings are slightly dependent on each other. The space set up in the gaps of this town is gently connected to it along with the noise that is different from the mechanical sounds of the city (the activities of people in the town, the voices of birds and insects), and the pleasant breeze that blows through,’ shares Lighthouse. this co-working hub in nagasaki maximizes connection to its small-town contextinstead of solid walls, agricultural sheets cover the open-air space in ACB Living, blurring boundaries 

this co-working hub in nagasaki maximizes connection to its small-town context

this co-working hub in nagasaki maximizes connection to its small-town context

letting light and wind flow through gently 

this co-working hub in nagasaki maximizes connection to its small-town context

lifestyle-inspired design 

this co-working hub in nagasaki maximizes connection to its small-town context

co-working space on the second floor

this co-working hub in nagasaki maximizes connection to its small-town context

minimizing indoor area



project info:


name: ACB Living 

location: Ashibeura Town, Iki Island, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan 

architecture: Lighthouse | @lighthouse_arc

photography: Yashiro Photo Office

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