A circular pavilion crafted from wood and reed, created by students under the guidance of Pakistani architect Yasmeen Lari and design studio Material Cultures, is showcased in Barking for the London Festival of Architecture.

Building Solutions for Flood Risk Areas

The pavilion, called Rising from the Water, is located close to the Barking Creek Flood Barrier. In order to combat the increased flood dangers brought on by rising sea levels, it investigates creative building alternatives for flood-prone locations.

Collaborative Effort and Educational Experience

In collaboration with the arts organization Create London, Material Cultures oversaw the project, which involved students with and without prior architectural experience in its development. This practical method encouraged a collaborative building process by highlighting low-carbon, locally sourced resources like reed that may be found in Barking.

Commemorating Historical Flood Events

The building of the pavilion coincides with the 70th anniversary of Barking’s Great Flood of 1953, even though it is a component of the London Festival of Architecture (LFA). This project shows how we may design with a greater awareness of the land and its demands, serving as a counterpoint to the imposing Barking Creek Flood Barrier made of concrete.

Sustainable and Local Material Usage

Rising from the Water is a circular timber structure composed of locally sourced, bundle-woven, thatched reed cladding and repurposed scaffolding boards. Yasmeen Lari’s work, especially her stilted bamboo Women’s Centre for flood-affected areas in Pakistan, is a source of inspiration for this sustainable design.

Design Principles and Participatory Process

Through a video conference, Lari led the group and assisted with transferring important design concepts from her Women’s Center to the Barking site. The pavilion’s design philosophy is similar to Lari’s, emphasizing locally produced materials and a collaborative process, even though the circumstances and motivations are distinct.

Quick Construction and Modular Design

Material Cultures designed the pavilion with modular components, allowing participants to construct it rapidly over just two days. Experts such as thatcher Mark Harrington, weaver Mollie McMillen, and carpenter Andi Amirshah contributed to guiding the students.

Photos: Thierry Bal

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