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Workshop of modular building with earth for architecture students
Monday, Jul 17, 20239 AM — Sunday, Jul 23, 202311 AMCEST Dobrava pri Skocjanu, SI | Dobrava pri Škocjanu 26, 8275 Škocjan, Slovenia Where: Dobrava pri Škocjanu, Slovenia When: 17-23 July 2023 For whom: Architecture students interested in research and innovation in the field of building with earth. Fees: Participation in the workshop is free

Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (RRAU) – 5th Edition
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Grand Designs Live 2023 | Exhibitions
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Infrastructure: What’s happening now? What’s happening next?
Expectations for the U.S. infrastructure sector have increased since the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was passed. Although the legislation will benefit the industry, it also has the potential to make matters worse for civil contractors. Which might lead…

Workshop of modular building with earth for architecture students
Monday, Jul 17, 20239 AM — Sunday, Jul 23, 202311 AMCEST Dobrava pri Skocjanu, SI | Dobrava pri Škocjanu 26, 8275 Škocjan, Slovenia Where: Dobrava pri Škocjanu, Slovenia When: 17-23 July 2023 For whom: Architecture students interested in research and innovation in the field of building with earth. Fees: Participation in the workshop is free

Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (RRAU) – 5th Edition
More than half of the world’s population now lives in urban regions, mostly in cities. The vulnerability of these cities has significantly increased due to the complexity of new challenges, which range from economic to social to ecological. According to several studies, ongoing stressors and unexpected hazards can worsen social breakdown, economic hardship, and even

Grand Designs Live 2023 | Exhibitions
This inspirational event is a must-visit for those looking to find information and learn everything you need for your very own Grand Design project. Invaluable Inspiration: Be inspired by over 400 exhibitors, spanning across four different sectors: Build, Kitchens and Bathrooms, Gardens, and Interiors. Discover architects, building suppliers, kitchen and bathroom designers as well as

Evening Lecture: Freedom Schools for Accountable Architecture
With questions such as Where do roads come from?, popular educators in the US Black Freedom Movement like Septima Clark have long used discussions about architecture and the built environment to unpack ideas of citizenship, politics and power. People’s observations and analyses of built form

Dates for the Salone del Mobile.Milano 2023
The Salone del Mobile.Milano is looking ahead to the 2023 edition, which will be held in the Fiera Milano district in Rho from April 18 to 23, with Maria Porro reconfirmed as its president. During this 61st edition, the annual events International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition, Workplace 3.0, the third edition of S.Project and the event dedicated to

Infrastructure: What’s happening now? What’s happening next?
Expectations for the U.S. infrastructure sector have increased since the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was passed. Although the legislation will benefit the industry, it also has the potential to make matters worse for civil contractors. Which might lead…

Workshop of modular building with earth for architecture students
Monday, Jul 17, 20239 AM — Sunday, Jul 23, 202311 AMCEST Dobrava pri Skocjanu, SI | Dobrava pri Škocjanu 26, 8275 Škocjan, Slovenia Where: Dobrava pri Škocjanu, Slovenia When: 17-23 July 2023 For whom: Architecture students interested in research and innovation in the field of building with earth. Fees: Participation in the workshop is free

Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (RRAU) – 5th Edition
More than half of the world’s population now lives in urban regions, mostly in cities. The vulnerability of these cities has significantly increased due to the complexity of new challenges, which range from economic to social to ecological. According to several studies, ongoing stressors and unexpected hazards can worsen social breakdown, economic hardship, and even

Grand Designs Live 2023 | Exhibitions
This inspirational event is a must-visit for those looking to find information and learn everything you need for your very own Grand Design project. Invaluable Inspiration: Be inspired by over 400 exhibitors, spanning across four different sectors: Build, Kitchens and Bathrooms, Gardens, and Interiors. Discover architects, building suppliers, kitchen and bathroom designers as well as

Evening Lecture: Freedom Schools for Accountable Architecture
With questions such as Where do roads come from?, popular educators in the US Black Freedom Movement like Septima Clark have long used discussions about architecture and the built environment to unpack ideas of citizenship, politics and power. People’s observations and analyses of built form

Dates for the Salone del Mobile.Milano 2023
The Salone del Mobile.Milano is looking ahead to the 2023 edition, which will be held in the Fiera Milano district in Rho from April 18 to 23, with Maria Porro reconfirmed as its president. During this 61st edition, the annual events International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition, Workplace 3.0, the third edition of S.Project and the event dedicated to

Infrastructure: What’s happening now? What’s happening next?
Expectations for the U.S. infrastructure sector have increased since the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was passed. Although the legislation will benefit the industry, it also has the potential to make matters worse for civil contractors. Which might lead…