A new ListLab!
Open Call for publishing projects within the context of the forthcoming books series’ M120 – Meridiano 120,’ ‘Enter Anthropocene,’ and ‘The Digital Affairs’ by ListLab publisher.

ListLab publisher (www.listlab.eu) was established in 2007 and elaborated on the thought of a world editorial laboratory with a multidisciplinary approach to the humanities and style . During the last decade, ListLab published quite 150 titles and printed over 60,000 copies, mostly that specialize in disseminating new researches and knowledge. because of the 2 main offices’ activities, located in Italy and Spain, ListLab also sparked debate and cultural exchange, activities from which new ideas associated with design, architecture, cities, and landscape have later developed within the sort of various publications.

While keeping in line with this tradition, in 2020, Listlab has undergone an article restructuring, with the appointment of Massimiliano Scaglione as new director of the corporate and professor Alessandro Martinelli as new editorial director. along side the longstanding BABEL and BABEL international collections, three new thematic book series will develop. They aim is to catalyze energies and accumulate knowledge on a variety of key contemporary issues and emerging realities.

These new series are named ‘M120 – Meridiano 120,’ ‘Enter Anthropocene,’ and ‘The Digital Affairs.’

The first one will address how the middle of the planet has changed. Today, the Far East is not any more periphery, and new local identities are rising. Indeed, besides the demographic predominance of the Asia Pacific area, there’s more. thanks to the newest technologies, globalization, and a few distance from the days and actors that made globalization possible, any subordination to the West is today dwindling at the Far East . So, we’d like new ideas, new points of view, and eventually , new cartographies to seem at today’s world. These should avoid comparison with a preconceived standard. they need to check out our planet’s ‘centers’ from within the places they describe. ‘M120 – Meridiano 120′ aims at portraying during this way the chain of nations and territories that surround the broad stretch of water separating Eurasia and therefore the Pacific . that’s to mention , the span of space where meridian 120’ goes across.

The second series will address the worldwide world in consideration of the Anthropocene. This name refers to a geological epoch dating from the commencement of serious human impact on Earth’s geology and ecosystems, including, but not limited to, anthropogenic global climate change . As of May 2019, the Anthropocene working party of the Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy of the International Commission on Stratigraphy voted in favor of submitting a proper proposal within 2021 to locate potential stratigraphic markers of the Anthropocene within the mid-twentieth century, finally giving official dimensions to the notion. Acknowledging this imminent revolution of data and people many of us today performing on aspects of the Anthropocene, ‘Enter Anthropocene’ will attempt to shed light on global urbanization and therefore the impact of this condition on the landscapes of Earth.

The third series addresses what’s happening today when three generations eventually passed since we entered the Digital Age, i.e., the period initiated within the mid-20th century and defined by the epochal shifts following the event of transistors and semiconductors. These advances made possible the computers, first of all, then the miniaturization of technology, that enmeshed human life with the gathering , exchange, and capitalization of knowledge . thanks to this, as we all know and knowledge a day , our society has changed and keeps on changing in unexpected ways. Since this offers both opportunities and threats, ‘The Digital Affairs’ will try constituting an atlas of data on both the architectural potentials embedded within the new times and therefore the imminent mutations of the spaces where we live.

In light of this ‘editorial turn,’ ListLab announces a world open involve editorial projects. The winning proposal are going to be published within the sort of a printed book during late 2021 or early 2022.

The Call is opened to architects, artists, designers, researchers, curators, critics (individual or teams) of any nationality and country of residence. Submitted projects must contains a publication project, the content of which is prepared or could also be completed within July 2020. The applicant must consider that the project must fit a vertical book layout, 170×240 mm, and it’s going to range from 160 to 256 pages.

The editorial project could also be of varied genres, starting from the photographic book to the manual, but not limited to those and may include both research and projective content. Anyhow, the project must fall within one among the topics framed by the three new book series and have relevance in terms of the related discourses. That said, original projects that demonstrate not only fresh and innovative ideas, critical and experimental approaches, but also independent thinking are welcome. The language of the appliance and therefore the project must be English.

The applicant should demonstrate being capable of developing the (A) vision, (B) content, and (C) narrative of the editorial project, and must accompany the proposal with a schedule of project development. In terms of vision, the applicant must clarify the thought of publication, including the ‘winning aspects’ of the expected book. At the discretion of the applicant, the materials to prove such aspects should be integrated into one and only PDF file along side the essential information which will be found within the form provided by ListLab. In terms of content, the applicant must clarify the expected index and therefore the typology of content for every chapter; the index could also be drafted into a separate PDF file and uploaded within the same page because the form. In terms of narrative, the applicant must explain the novelty of the expected book and its content. to enrich the submission of the proposal, the applicant can also send up to four reference images. Finally, within the appliance , the applicant should describe not only the goals and anticipated time-frame of the project but also the support required from ListLab. In respect of this, ListLab can provide (1) editorial consultancy, (2) graphic and layout consultancy, (3) proofreading of textual content, and (4) proof-checking of graphic or visual content.

The proposals are going to be reviewed by a world jury composed of selected members of the reviewers’ board of ListLab publisher at the time of evaluation of the proposal. Anyhow, the jury are going to be chaired by the director Massimiliano Scaglione and therefore the editorial director Alessandro Martinelli of ListLab publisher.
– Massimiliano Scaglione may be a Graphic Designer and stage director , specialized in art and style at Escola Massana, Barcelona. After a few years in publishing and therefore the advertising industry between Italy and Spain, having taught in several institutions, he’s the CEO and artistic director of ListLab publisher.
– Previously involved in research and didactic activities at the Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio, the i2a, the Berlage Institute, the Barcelona Institute of Architecture, the Canadian Centre of Architecture, the Archivio Cattaneo, the Shihchien and therefore the Huafan University, today Alessandro Martinelli (Instagram @asma.meetarch) is professor at the Chinese Culture University in Taipei, editorial director of ListLab publisher, and works with BIAS Architects (www.biasarchitects.com) on architectural and curatorial projects that concern the general public space today.

The maturity to submit the editorial projects is May 14th, 2021. The jury will happen within one month from this date. The jury will select one single project. The outcomes of the evaluation are going to be publicly announced on June 25th, 2021.

ListLab will offer to the chosen editorial project:
– editorial support to the finalization of the publication;
– international communication of winning the decision for editorial projects;
– financial coverage of publication printing (first edition);
– financial coverage of international distribution (first edition);
– PR and digital promotion of the publication (first edition);
– presentation of the book at international book fairs in 2022;
– integration of the publication within the catalog of ListLab publisher and associated international distributors.

ListLab won’t offer to the chosen editorial project:
– quite one free copy of the printed publication;
– graphic development of the publication, but it’ll provide consultancy to the authors;
– graphic development of the publication apparatuses, but it’ll provide internal control to the authors;
– copyright check of textural, graphic, and photographic materials.

After the publication, ListLab will hold the copyright of the publication. The authors of the text will own the texts’ copyright, and the authors of the images will own the copyright of the images.

The application must be made by means of the interface for submitting new publication proposals to ListLab publisher that can be found on the website: https://www.listlab.eu/pubblica-con-noi-publish-with-us/. In the interface, a PDF with the basic information that must be specified by the applicant can be found. The applicant can request additional information by writing at editorial@listlab.eu.

Download the information related to this competition here.

  • Title

    A new ListLab!  Open Call for publishing projects within the context of the forthcoming books series’ M120 – Meridiano 120,’ ‘Enter Anthropocene,’ and ‘The Digital Affairs’ by ListLab publisher.
  • Type

    Call for Submissions
  • Website

  • Organizers

  • Submission Deadline

    May 15, 2021 12:00 AM
  • Venue

    Listlab publisher
  • Price


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