The market scenario is changing rapidly with every passing decade. With technology pushing almost every digital interaction automated from the warehouse to home solutions, the streets are a choice now and not a go-to destination for all folks .

A social network to the town within the offline realm, the streets are an area to serve the town by people from all backgrounds of life.

The digital motion not only moves tons of economic activity to screens – it builds an enormous wall for people especially from lower strata to participate in commerce activities freely. and therefore the public health concerns at an equivalent time has changed the sport entirely for many of those breadwinners who successively made our streets how they wont to be.

What does this mean for the longer term ? and particularly the future of the streets?


The lockdowns may are very temporary yet their impacts are still existent on the town life. People aren’t preferring to eat the streets including the restaurants.

Vendors are pushed to take a position more in selling things that nobody wants to shop for – especially within the food sector which holds tons of share within the public street life. The changing market dynamics hit most severely the people with the thinnest economic cushion.

When corporations face an enormous alienation crisis like this, they hire expensive consultancy services to seek out the grip on the market they’ve been replaced from recently and have the budget to reinvent their product chain entirely. (E.g. The Gas car to electric transition)

Such options are never available with small vendors and markets they serve. they struggle to suit the ideas they know with whatever small information they need and check out again. But will it help?


The challenge vendors face is unprecedented especially when the whole commerce is now an upstream ride for them. How can we as designers help them restructure their businesses a little? How can we with the limited knowledge we’ve , open a gateway to them reaching unlimited possibilities of relevance in 2020? How can we empower them with new tools that help them stay relevant in changing times like today?

The design challenge is to develop a handcart concept for vendors that helps them reinvent their commerce methods considerably. the planning should be lean and cost-effective for the investment they will make and open new means to utilize the inherent qualities of selling on the road and not being pinned to any location. the planning should use available technologies and hybrids like smartphones, etc. to offer them a much-needed boost.

This is a multi-level challenge where the primary competition will seek only the cart design, followed by a next challenge which will involve plugins which will be built on the winning design.


Registration Closes: 17th May 2021

Submission Deadline: 18th May 2021

Result Announcement: 15th Jul 2021


Prize pool of worth 24,000$

First Prize: 6000$ (For students and professionals)

Runner Up: 6 x 1400$ (For students and professionals)

People’s Choice: 4 x 600$ (Open for all)

Honorable Mention: 12 x 600$ Each

Learn more about this competition here:…

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