Updates on engineering and architecture jobs available around the world
Location: Taipei City and New Taipei City
Hours: Full Time
Salary: Salary and benefits packages are competitive and commensurate with rank and experience
Contract type: Tenure track
Please note: We are advertising Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor, however there is only 1 post available.
The Graduate Institute of Urban Planning (GIUP) is the first graduate institute in spatial planning in Taiwan, aiming at cultivating professionals and researchers in environmental planning and management, spatial economics and transportation, spatial governance and globalization. In addition to theoretical training, the GIUP requires students to take internships, equipping them with both the knowledge and practical skills in urban planning and making them capable of conducting comprehensive as well as the specialized planning and research.
The GIUP wishes to appoint an Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor in Urban and Regional Planning. We are keen to attract candidates whose work engages with frontier research of urban and regional development. Applicants with research and teaching experience around the big data analysis, digital transformation, Geopolitics, non-western urban and regional theories, public health, and spatial justice would be particularly welcome.
Person Specification
- A PhD degree relevant to the research/teaching area
- Demonstrated excellence in Research, with competence in Teaching.
- The appointed person should be able to participate in the planning studio.
How to Apply
Please send your Curriculum Vitae to chenhan@mail.ntpu.edu.tw