Updates on engineering and architecture jobs available around the world

Kingston University is a thriving, modern institution.  Now is a very exciting time in its evolution as it seeks to implement its Town House strategy.  Named after the internationally acclaimed, award-winning Town House building, the strategy will prepare students for the future world of work, increase the University’s research and knowledge exchange, enhance its collaboration with local communities, business and industry, strengthen its impact on policy and support the goal of building a more sustainable society and economy.

It is built around four themes:

  • Driving a progressive new model of education, combining subject-specific knowledge with the future skills and attributes most needed by employers.
  • Partnering with industry to develop students’ skills, and engaging government and organisations with the University’s expertise to further debate and influence policy.
  • Having impact in research, knowledge exchange and professional practice.
  • Providing an innovative and high-performing working environment for staff.

In order to deliver the correct outcomes, Kingston University is making significant investment and has also undertaken structural change in terms of its STEM provision.  There are therefore a range of openings available in the new Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment.  The post of Head of the School of the Built Environment and Geography will provide leadership across two departments that provide teaching and research related to some of the contemporaneous issues related to society.  This is an opportunity for an ambitious leader to enable the School to achieve growth in student numbers, portfolio development, greater proximity to industry and to ensure that the fundamental operations of the School run well.

Candidates should have significant buy in to the journey that Kingston University is on.  This means a strong personal appetite to deliver said growth in a way that is underpinned by quality of education and research in the School.  It is expected that the post holder will make a significant contribution at Faculty and Institutional level through collegiate behaviours and a willingness to embrace multi-disciplinarity.  Applicants should have experience of leadership in an academic context.  They should also have close proximity to the student journey and a personal track record of research or knowledge exchange.  The ability to inspire and motivate colleagues will be key, as will the requirement to deliver on the Town House Strategy.

How to Apply

Applications should consist of a CV accompanied by a covering letter addressing the criteria in the person specification.

For an informal, confidential discussion, please contact Liz James:

E: elizabeth.james@berwickpartners.co.uk 

T: 0121 654 5924


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