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Lincoln Cathedral is one of the largest medieval cathedrals in the country, and is a superlative example of the high gothic art – fabulously intricate and profound in its beauty. It has survived the centuries remarkably well, retaining its medieval choir stalls and historic roofs. It is, however, the only English cathedral to be listed in its entirety on Historic England’s At Risk Register.

The Victorian writer John Ruskin declared: “I have always held … that the cathedral of Lincoln is out and out the most precious piece of architecture in the British Isles and roughly speaking worth any two other cathedrals we have.”

The Care of Cathedrals Measure 2011 requires the appointment of an Architect or Surveyor of the Fabric. This is a significant professional and statutory role, which relates to all matters pertaining to the fabric of the cathedral and the precincts. The Architect has an overview of all matters which affect the cathedral’s structure, contents, furnishings and setting, and will be responsible for overseeing all repair and conservation works to the cathedral and the historic buildings in the cathedral precincts.

The Chapter seeks a registered architect, accredited in conservation, who is an experienced and knowledgeable professional possessing qualifications and expertise in the survey and analysis of historic buildings with special reference to church archaeology and Gothic architecture. He or she will have experience and an understanding of the liturgy and its impact on the cathedral fabric together with proven skills and the ability to make complex design decisions will be essential.

The appointment is ad personam. People who are already employed are welcome to apply, but they must be able to deliver the required services without constraint or any assumption that contracts for architectural services will be placed with their organisation.

For more information, visit: www.lincolncathedral.com/get-involved/current-vacancies

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