The Brise-Vent Havre Architecture Competition presents a unique challenge to reimagine the historic Brise-Vent concrete structure in Le Havre, France. This competition invites architects and designers to transform this former harbor shield into a vibrant cultural hub that serves both local residents and international tourists. The goal is to reintegrate the structure into the urban fabric and create an engaging public space.


The competition’s objective is to revitalize the Brise-Vent, a monumental concrete sail originally designed to protect the harbor from wind gusts. Participants are asked to propose innovative designs that will adapt this iconic ruin into a museum and public space. The proposal should integrate social aspects, promoting everyday use and making the site accessible and attractive to a broad audience.

Design Requirements

Program Requirements:

  • Museum: The primary function of the Brise-Vent should be transformed into a museum space.
  • Public Space: Create a versatile public area that engages the community and encourages interaction.
  • Hybrid Program: Incorporate a mix of cultural, educational, and social functions.
  • Accessibility: Ensure that the design is accessible to people of all ages and abilities.


  • Historic Value: Respect and integrate the historical significance of the Brise-Vent.
  • Innovative Use of Space: Propose creative uses for the existing structure.
  • Sustainability: Incorporate sustainable design principles.
  • Integration with Urban Context: Design should complement and enhance the surrounding urban environment.
  • Open Daily: The space should be functional and inviting seven days a week.

Evaluation Criteria

Entries will be evaluated based on the following:

  • Conceptual Innovation: Originality and creativity of the design concept.
  • Social Impact: Contribution to community engagement and social interaction.
  • Feasibility: Practicality and constructibility of the proposal.
  • Aesthetic Quality: Visual and architectural appeal.
  • Sustainability: Incorporation of sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.
  • Contextual Integration: Harmony with the surrounding urban landscape.


The competition offers a total prize pool of €7,000 distributed as follows:

  • 1st Prize: €3,000
  • 2nd Prize: €1,000
  • 3rd Prize: €500
  • 10 Golden Mentions: €250 each
  • 10 Honorable Mentions: One free competition coupon each
  • 30 Finalists


The competition is open to:

  • Professional Architects and Designers: Experienced practitioners in architecture and design.
  • Students and Recent Graduates: Emerging designers with fresh perspectives.
  • Multidisciplinary Teams: Collaborations that bring diverse expertise and creativity.


The Brise-Vent Havre competition is an exciting opportunity to transform a historic structure into a dynamic cultural landmark. By blending innovative design with practical functionality, participants can contribute to the urban regeneration of Le Havre and create a space that inspires both locals and visitors.

This competition not only offers a platform for architectural creativity but also provides a chance to engage with the community and reimagine how historic structures can be adapted for modern use.

Finally, find out more on ArchUp:

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