Humankind is at a crossroads. A climate crisis that threatens ecosystems and rises social instability. A fast-growing population resulting in Earth’s resources being consumed faster than ever. A still ongoing global discussion about racial and gender issues. A industrial revolution disrupting societies and markets —including the planning and construction field. And an economic and pandemic crisis as a assay for all folks .
In this context, architecture has been navigating through sequential changes over the last twenty years with the increase and latter consolidation of latest technologies, tools, formats, topics, scales, and interdisciplinary approaches, along side the emergence of the web that led towards a disruptive decentralization of the architecture production and discussion.
As part of ArchDaily’s 2020 Monthly Topics, we want to highlight young, emerging practices that are providing innovative approaches, proposals, startup ideas, and solutions to these discussions. Tell us about what your practice says about the challenges we’re facing, share your portfolio with us, and describe your contribution to the future of architecture and cities.
Submissions Guidelines for ArchDaily’s Young Practices 2020
- The age limit is set at 40 years old.
- All entries must be received by Sunday, November 8, 11:59 pm EST.
- Required images must have at least 2.000 px wide and a maximum of 2.880 px wide. JPG files only.
- The image file name should specify the author and/or who the copyright belongs to.
- Make sure the required Google Drive folders’ privacy is set as public (“Anyone with the link can view”)
- Portfolio: Feel free to submit whatever you think showcases your work best and highlights the image of your practice.
- All questions should be sent through our contact form.
- All the successfully received submissions will be reviewed by ArchDaily’s Content Team. ArchDaily will get in touch with the selected practices/practitioners only.
- All selected will be widely published by ArchDaily at the end of November.
- Any false statements may result in the disqualification of your submission.