LIBRARY ILLUSTRAZIONI may be a cultural association born with the aim of promoting graphic research in Architecture, stimulating its cultural production up to the bounds of the discipline.

LIBRARY, together with AGATN and MART (Civic Gallery of Trento), presents CFAD20+E | SERENDIP: Analytic Selection (Call + Exhibition).

The project was created to support cultural tourism that has been severely suffering from the pandemic emergency, forcing 90.5% of the museums round the world to shut .

“SERENDIP: Analytic Selection” may be a contest/exhibition that focuses its attention on graphic research, through reflections and themes from current issues, literature, philosophy and other disciplines in dialogue with Architecture. Each participant is invited to supply an illustration aimed toward representing an idea , or reflection on the most theme. A final exhibition are going to be shown at MART – Civic Gallery of Trento.

“Each building stood on the plan of a dream,” from Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar


  • Davide Trabucco (Conformi)
  • Francisco Leiva
  • Fosbury Architecture
  • Simona Bordone
  • Simone Bossi
  • Library Illustrazioni

Check out the official website.

  • Title

    CFAD20+E – SERENDIP: Analytic Selection
  • Type

    Competition Announcement (Ideas)
  • Organizers

  • Registration Deadline

    October 15, 2020 11:59 PM
  • Submission Deadline

    October 15, 2020 11:59 PM
  • Price


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