Submission: June 04, 2021
Registration: June 04, 2021
Language: Romanian, English
Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open


The Order of Architects in Romania (OAR) and therefore the Cluj administration are glad to announce the official launch of the „Children’s Hospital Cluj-Napoca” International Design Competition.

The purpose of this competition is to pick , so as to award the planning contract, the simplest solution for an Emergency Clinical Children’s Hospital, located within the southeast of Cluj-Napoca, at the border of Gheorgheni and Borhanci.

Cluj-Napoca Emergency Clinical Children’s Hospital will function as an independent structure, with regional addressability, being the primary public hospital within the Transylvania area to supply integrated medical services within the field of paediatrics. Through this approach, the Contracting Authority aims to develop a centre for medical services and research within the field of paediatrics, which also plays the role of an urban catalyst in a neighborhood undergoing urbanization.

The Contracting Authority of the competition is that the Cluj administration , the owner of the land.

The competition is organized by the Order of Architects in Romania, in accordance with the Competition Rules of the International Union of Architects – UIA – and therefore the provisions of the International Regulations for architecture and concrete design Competitions, adopted at the overall Conference of UNESCO in 1956, as revised on November 27, 1978, the provisions of the Guide of excellent practice in organizing OAR design competitions, published in 2018, in compliance with the legal provisions effective regarding the award of public procurement contracts.


1st Prize: 6.510.000 EUR, VAT exclusive
2nd Prize: 75.000 EUR
3rd Prize: 45.000 EUR
1st Mention: 10.000 EUR
2nd Mention: 10.000 EUR


Full Members:
1. arch. Claudiu Salanță
2. dr. Aldea Cornel Olimpiu
3. dr. Vasile-Florin Stamatian
4. arch. Benedict Zucchi
5. arch. Jan de Vylder
6. arch. urb. Bogdan Traian Bogoescu
7. arch. Vlad Rusu – OART representative

Deputy Members:
8. arch. Dominic Hook
9. arch. Emil Burbea

The Design Competition is a public, single-stage competition, open to Romania, all countries of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, and to the Swiss Confederation.

12/02/2021 – Official launch of the competition (the official launch in SEAP)
04/06/2021, 16:00 Romanian time zone – Deadline for project submission
13/06 – 17/06/2021 – Jury assessment of the projects
18/06/2021 – Official announcement of the winner (press conference with the Jury)

>>> Find out more on the official competition website <<<

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