There’s a certain contradiction in the calmness. It’s high summer (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least) and while the design industry enjoys a spot of downtime with out-of-office messages the norm and fair halls empty but expectant, the mind is working overtime. A time for recharging, the summer break for me is also a surprisingly intense period of reflection, reassessment and regrouping, on both a professional and a personal level. It’s a time when priorities once again crystallise. What’s really important? What truly matters?

Against the backdrop of the hottest summer on record globally, the terrifying images of devastating forest fires in the likes of Hawaii and Greece, attended by catastrophic flooding in other regions of the world, leave us all in no doubt of what our chief priority is. Climate change, caused by global warming, is here and now. We know what the stakes are.

And yet changing behaviours is not easy. The aviation industry, for example, is booming as…

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