The 13th International Architecture Biennale of Sao Paulo extends the deadline for submitting proposals for the Co-Curatorship involve Proposals until January 31, 2021, at 11:59 pm (São Paulo, GMT-3). Registrations are made through the event’s website
The central issue of the 13th International Architecture Biennale of Sao Paulo , which can happen in 2022, is RECONSTRUCTION, a call for participation to a good debate, with reflections and proposals that time to social practices, spatial arrangements and therefore the possibilities of living and reworking reality in urban and rural areas. It starts with the thought of rebuilding, recasting and renewing the relationships between social groups with their domestic spaces, between citizens and public spaces and private and profissionais plots, which happen on the confined spaces and within the collective use ones, during the pandemic.In this edition, the event features the figure of a resident curator, Sabrina Fontenele, Director of Culture at the Brazilian Institute of Architects Department of Sao Paulo . Her goal is to believe the present edition and build a model for the subsequent editions, working along side the Co-Curatorship selected by the decision .
To this end, the Co-Curatorship Call proposes to unfold the concept of RECONSTRUCTION in five preliminary guiding axes: democracy, bodies, memory, information and ecology. The event must also prioritize sites of the town to attach and integrate actions: a network of public and community centers where integrated urban and environmental transformation projects are under way in dialogue with local communities (Jardim Guarani, Jardim Pantanal, Parque Pinheirinho D‘Água, Jardim Lapenna and Parque Novo Mundo) in partnership with the Pacto Pelas Cidades Justas; and cultural equipment and public spaces on the Avenida Paulista area. Places to host exhibitions, debates and activities that involve populations within the city, with the understanding that multiple manifestations must be welcomed and discussed during this event.
The proposals are going to be evaluated by ten names from different areas of architecture and urbanism and also of the arts: Gabriela de Matos, Sabrina Fontenele, Helena Ayoub Silva, Naine Terena, João Fernandes, Maria Estela Rocha Ramos Penha, Riva Feitoza, Pedro Rivera, Sepake Angiama and Janet Sanz.

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