Nestled amidst the breathtaking bamboo forests and majestic mountains of Dachangping, China, the Floating Hotel stands as a testament to architectural innovation and harmonious integration with nature. Designed by Amsterdam studio More Architecture, this stunning hotel offers guests a unique and immersive experience, allowing them to forge a deep connection with their natural surroundings. Perched atop a grid of steel columns, the hotel’s distinctive zigzagging roof serves as a captivating architectural feature, sheltering guests while seamlessly blending with the landscape below.

Elevating the Experience: A Floating Oasis

The concept of the Floating Hotel was born from the client’s vision of a building “floating above the bamboo,” inspiring More Architecture to elevate the structure above the mountains and allow the landscape to continue uninterrupted beneath it. Partner Daan Roggeveen explains, “We wanted to create a large roof that brings people together, and allows them to enjoy the wonderful surroundings in which the hotel is set.” This elevated positioning not only offers guests unparalleled views but also fosters a sense of serenity and tranquility.

Thoughtful Room Design: Immersive Perspectives

More Architecture has meticulously designed three distinct room types within the Floating Hotel, each offering a unique perspective and relationship to the surrounding landscape. From the expansive “corridor” rooms with panoramic views to the intimate “gallery” rooms with dual-aspect vistas, every space is carefully oriented to maximize guest comfort and immersion in nature. Suites located at the building’s edges provide panoramic views in two directions, further enhancing the guest experience.

Seamless Integration of Indoor and Outdoor Spaces

The Floating Hotel blurs the boundaries between indoor and outdoor living, inviting guests to embrace the natural beauty of their surroundings. Full-height glazing framed in white metal floods the interior with natural light, while large doors open onto wood-decked terraces that envelop the perimeter of the hotel. This seamless integration allows guests to transition effortlessly between the comfort of their rooms and the tranquility of the outdoors, fostering a sense of connection with nature at every turn.

Embracing Natural Materials: Warmth and Serenity

To create a warm and inviting atmosphere, More Architecture has employed a careful selection of natural materials throughout the hotel. From the thin wooden planks adorning the zigzagging roof to the contrasting stone cladding of the ground floor rooms, every material choice reflects a commitment to craftsmanship and authenticity. Wooden furniture, including beds and tables, designed by the studio adds a touch of warmth, while terrazzo accents in the desk and bars lend a contemporary elegance to the space.

Conclusion: A Sanctuary of Serenity and Beauty

In conclusion, the Floating Hotel in Dachangping, China, epitomizes the perfect union of architectural innovation and natural beauty. More Architecture’s thoughtful design approach, coupled with a deep reverence for the surrounding landscape, has resulted in a sanctuary of serenity and beauty where guests can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As guests immerse themselves in the tranquil ambiance and breathtaking vistas, they embark on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation, forging

Suite in Floating Hotel by More Architecture

The photography is by Kris Provoost.


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