كيفية التمييز بين جدار القص والعمود

The geometry of a section of shear wall and column can be similar to the extent that the question of when a rectangular column becomes a wall is often asked.

ACI 318-19 Section, Column, defines frames as having a minimum aspect ratio of 0.4.

However, this requirement is not the best criteria to consider in column or wall design.

Construction constraints and the expected behavior of an element under loads are frequently

used to determine whether an element should be designed as a wall or column.

Where the shaft has a large axial load and its shear response is similar to that of the beam,

Whereas the wall has a low axial load and its shear behavior is similar to that of a unidirectional slab.

Moreover, the area and distribution of the longitudinal reinforcement

and the aspect ratio can be used to determine whether the rectangular column is designed as a column or as a shear wall.


How to distinguish between shear wall and column


How to distinguish between shear wall and column

longitudinal reinforcement

In general, longitudinal reinforcement requires lateral support to prevent buckling of the steel bars under axial loads.

If longitudinal reinforcement is required in the wall and its area is greater than 0.01Ag, ACI 318-19, Section,

It states that the longitudinal reinforcement shall be supported laterally by transverse rods.

This requirement can be used as criteria to decide whether a partition should be designed as a wall or a column.

If the area of longitudinal reinforcement required for the wall exceeds 0.01Ag,

a transverse tie shall be provided at each intersection of the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, which is a tedious work to do.

In this case, the section design as a column is more practical.


How to distinguish between shear wall and column


aspect ratio

If the length-to-thickness ratio of the wall is equal to or greater than 6,

it is designed as a shear wall wherein the shear behavior inside and outside the plane is easily known and distinctly different from the column.

If the aspect ratio is 2.5 to 6, the element is designed as a shear wall or column,

based on the shear force and the direction of the shear force.

For an aspect ratio of less than 2.5, the member is likely to be designed as a column.


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