JOI Nutbase

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JOI Nutbase

JOI is a completely natural plant-based product that has established a totally new market category. Derived from nuts, such as almond and cashew, this pure powder is a base ingredient that can be used to easily create fresh nut-milk on-demand in seconds – and lends itself to hundreds of other recipes.
Solving for an identity that tells the product story and establishes a strong and modern sensibility creates the foundation for a flexible brand architecture that provides the necessary space for this promising brand to continue to grow.
JOI is the perfect Nut-milk in seconds. 100% Natural. 100% Nut-base. Preservative-Free. The nut-bases are a concentrate made of 100% nut content, no junk. All you have to do is add water, blend‘er up, and dramatically throw away all of your nut bags and impostor nut milks. No additives, all the nutrients, just 30 seconds in 3 flavors:
1. Organic Almond
2. Cashew
3. Almond

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JOI is the fresh alternative to alternative Milks. Their nut-bases are made of just one ingredient — 100% almonds or cashews. Nothing else. Except hopes and dreams. Unlike nut milk on the shelf: they have 3 to 6 times more nut content; and unlike nut milk you make at home, theirs has no wasted nutrients because they use the whole nut.

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Panamera Branding
Services: Branding, Packaging, Graphic Design.

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