Lipsky Office Space

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Lipsky Office Space

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Area: 2670 m²
Year: 2021
Team: Yaroslav Pavlivskiy, Andriy Gusak, Viktor Sokruta

Several years ago, our team was lucky enough to participate in the development and design of an office center in the city of Kyiv, in the heart of the capital, on Kruhlouuniversytetska Street, in a historic building. The customers requested the renovation of the architectural monument.

A modern office center is a hub, where different areas of activity coexist under one roof. And the interior of the office center should adjust to everyone’s needs and easily set a tone. The main concept of the project design was to create a space that would look as a single whole despite the diversity of tenants.

Working on the project turned out to be quite painstaking, many design agencies were involved as the building, built in the 1890s, is an architectural monument with its complexities of engineering and construction. Therefore, the general stylistics of interior is designed to emphasize this and preserve all important connections as much as possible. At the same time, the interior of the office center should look modern and elegant.

The high ceiling, with the authentic stucco molding that we planned to save and restore, renovated bricks of those times that we had to use in the design, everything should be harmonious and together create a cozy atmosphere and some feeling of involvement into history in general.

The core of the building it’s an atrium with a lift shaft. It should become the main dominant that cuts and at the same time combines all the floors together with each other, catches people's views and is the heart of the whole body. Having combined different materials such as glass, tree and brass, we wanted to give some weightlessness and dynamics of such a massive size.

Each of the four floors is planned in such a way that the large flow of people who should be in office centers, should not cause discomfort to the employees, here, everyone should have their own comfort zone from the employee to the visitor.

Unfortunately, due to the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, this project is not being implemented. But in light of the present, we decided to share our own vision, concept and idea of the integration of contemporary design into a historical monument. After all, now, despite everything, it is important to aim and create modernity and not forgetting history.

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