The arched bridge being transported using self-propelled modular transporters


As part of an infrastructure improvement plan to reduce traffic congestion, workers recently moved a 290-foot-long arch bridge to its final location in Corona, California. Known as the McKinley Bridge, this project aims to separate road and rail traffic to minimize delays at the railway crossing. Currently, traffic experiences 2 hours and 35 minutes of daily delays, and projections indicate this could exceed 4 hours in the coming years.

Project Details

The project began in early 2022 and is expected to be completed by late 2024 or early 2025. Its objective is to elevate McKinley Street over two main railway tracks and Sampson Avenue in the vicinity of the McKinley Bridge in Corona, easing congestion and improving traffic flow.

The image shows the steel arch bridge during its transportation to the final site in Corona. It was pre-built and moved using self-propelled modular transporters to facilitate installation.
Aerial image showing the arched bridge before placement over the railway and highway

Transport Execution

Workers constructed the arched bridge deck at a site north of its final location and then transported it overnight using self-propelled modular transporters (SPMTs).The transport process involved crossing:

  • Sampson Avenue
  • The Arlington Flood Control Channel
  • Railway tracks

Engineering and Analysis

The project required 3D analysis and bridge information modeling to ensure:

  • Structural stability during transport
  • The arch’s capacity to withstand variable loads
  • Stress distribution caused by differential movements during transportation from north of McKinley Bridge in Corona

Additionally, temporary support structures were used to stabilize the bridge throughout the process, along with the design of temporary crossings for the transporters.

Digital rendering of the new bridge after project completion
A 3D model showcasing the final appearance of the bridge after construction

Summary Table

Project LocationCorona, California
Bridge Length290 feet
Project StartEarly 2022
Expected CompletionLate 2024 – Early 2025
ObjectiveGrade separation to reduce congestion
Technologies UsedSPMTs, 3D analysis, bridge information modeling
ChallengesCrossing Sampson Avenue, Arlington Channel, and railway tracks


This project marks a significant step in improving traffic flow and reducing railway-related delays in the area. Once completed next year, the McKinley Bridge in Corona will significantly alleviate traffic congestion by improving road conditions.

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