We invite architects worldwide to participate in an open and international competition to design a new museum of architecture and design in Helsinki, Finland. This museum aims to be a landmark that redefines Helsinki as a premier destination for architecture, design, arts, and culture.

Competition Details:

Location: The new museum will be situated in Helsinki’s South Harbour, a prime location that promises to be a significant cultural and architectural addition to the city.

Competition Stages:

  • Stage 1: Conceptual Design
    • Start Date: April 15, 2024
    • Closing Date for Submissions: August 29, 2024, 5 PM (GMT +3)
  • Stage 2: Detailed Design (Shortlisted participants from Stage 1)

Announcement of Results:

  • Competition Results: September 2025

Design Requirements: The new museum should embody the following qualities:

  • Open: The museum should be accessible and inviting to all.
  • Welcoming: It should provide a hospitable atmosphere for a diverse range of visitors.
  • Calm: The design should foster a serene and reflective environment.
  • Reflective: The space should encourage contemplation and engagement with the exhibits.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Lead Designer: Must have a master’s degree in architecture.
  • Residency and License: Must be a resident and licensed to practice architecture in an EU country or a country that is a party to the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA 2012).

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submissions should be in a format that communicates the conceptual design effectively.
  • Ensure adherence to the brief’s requirements and qualities.


  • Primary Organizers: Real Estate Company ADM (owned by the City of Helsinki and the State of Finland), and the Foundation for the Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design.
  • Collaborators: City of Helsinki and the Finnish Association of Architects SAFA.
  • Strategic Partners: DVDL Cultural Planners (New York) and Haahtela Group.

Questions and Clarifications: Competition participants and prospective participants are encouraged to submit any questions regarding the competition brief and process through the designated platform provided by the organizers.

Submission Platform: All submissions must be uploaded through the official competition portal. Ensure your entry is submitted before the deadline to avoid disqualification.

Contact Information: For further details and to submit your questions, please visit the competition’s official website or contact the organizers directly through the provided contact points.

We look forward to receiving innovative and visionary designs that will contribute to making Helsinki a global center for architecture and design.


Finally, find out more on ArchUp:

Cast Corbel House: A Red-Hued Extension in Norwich by Grafted

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