The main objective of the Competition is to select the best design based on the parameters and recommendations specified in Terms of reference. The conceptual design is expected to propose a distinct and unique refurbishment of the square, with a focus on creating a new public space.
Competition for conceptual architectural design is international, general, one-phased and anonymous.
The Competition is open for all individuals and companies that meet the conditions defined by the Competition Announcement and the Terms of Reference.
Members of the Competition jury are as follows:
1. Vladan Đokić, dean of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, president of the jury;
2. Dean Lah, architect, jury member;
3. Mirko Žižić, architect, jury member;
4. Đorđije Kalezić, architect, jury member;
5. Filip Aleksić, chief architect, Capital city Podgorica, jury member.
The competition is open as of March 22, 2021.
All participants may submit questions until April 26, 2021, after which all questions and answers will be published at the website of the Capital city Podgorica before April 30, 2021.
The competition design is to be submitted via e-mail at the following address: no later than 23:59h (UTC+1) on May 24th, 2021.
All participants will be informed about the jury’s decision on June 8, 2021.
The jury shall award the first, second and third prize and two redemptions in following amounts:
First prize – 20.000,00€
Second prize – 10.000,00€
Third prize – 5.000,00€
Two redemptions each 1.500,00€
The Announcer announces and conducts the Competition in Montenegrin and English language.
Open call: Competition for Conceptual Urban and Architectural Design for Golootockih Zrtava Square in Podgorica -
Competition Announcement (Built Projects & Masterplans) -
Submission Deadline
May 24, 2021 11:59 PM -