Architecture Competition: Reuse The Thermae

As a component of a house constructed in the Imperial era, the thermal baths at Acconia di Curinga are believed to be private baths. Although it now has a surface area of roughly 1.000 square meters, neither its whole shape nor its extent, nor the purpose of some of its rooms, are known.

In any case, the three primary features that defined the baths—a frigidarium, two calidaria, and two tepidaria—remain distinct and discernible. The baths still showcase the amazing technical and architectural prowess of the ancient Romans. Despite the fact that many of the buildings have collapsed over the ages.

The international architecture competition (Reuse The Thermae) for the preservation of the Roman Thermal Baths of Acconia in Curinga (CZ) is being organized by the seventh edition of the cultural initiative Reuse Italy.

Participants in the competition, which is available to students, architects, and engineers, are asked to envision the Thermae as an archeological site that has to be protected and made accessible to the public.

The event is organized in conjunction with KoozArch and with the official support of the Municipality of Curinga.

The cut-off date is January 17, 2024. Please deliver one A1 page, which is 59.4 by 84 cm.

Four thousand euros are up for grabs.

The projects that were submitted will be on show at an exhibition in Curinga in March 2024. Moreover, the winners will be given the opportunity to speak to the public about their concepts.

The international Jury members are Bernardo Bader, Amelia Tavella, Federica Sofia Zambeletti from Koozarch and Giovanni Logiudice from Graphisoft.


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