2021年11月我们为MEGA珍藏系列 1000% SPACE MOLLY x MONCLER 超大号手办制作了这只有点酷酷的宣传片。
Moncler Grenoble滑雪系列,融入创新高科技织物,注入前卫时尚元素,视觉呈现出未来感较强的风格。
Molly降落在被皑皑白雪覆盖的星球上,她漫步着,好奇的看着周围的一切(高山地区的雪场环境)。此时前方雪镜从雪杖上 掉落下来,Molly捡起雪镜,看着从镜面中反射出的自己和远处的雪山冰峰,Molly的眼神变得坚定而又勇敢,决定开始雪山探险。 Molly攀登着雪山,身后留下了一行行足迹,她站在雪山之巅,看着远处的神秘星球,仿佛召唤者Molly探索下一个未知。
In November 2011 we made this cool promo for the MEGA Collection 1000% SPACE MOLLY X MONCLER Supersize Bugler. Moncler Grenoble ski series, incorporating innovative high-tech fabrics, injecting avant-garde fashion elements, visually presents a strong sense of the future style. Molly lands on a snow-covered planet and strolls around, curious to see everything around her (alpine ski environment). At this time, the snow mirror in front fell down from the poles. Molly picked up the snow mirror and looked at herself reflected in the mirror and the snow-capped mountain and ice peak in the distance. Molly's eyes became firm and brave and decided to start the snow-capped mountain exploration. Molly climbed the snow-capped mountain, leaving a trail of footprints behind. Standing on the top of the snow-capped mountain, she looked at the mysterious planet in the distance, as if The summoner Molly was exploring the next unknown.
Process – motion Exploration
Production Company:UoUstudio
Creative Director:Pengcece
Art Director:Pengcece
storyboard: Pengcece
mood: Pengcece
layout: Loyarn
Design: 航航,蔣旭,pengcece
Animation Supervisor: Loyarn
3D Animation: Loyarn, 航航,蔣旭,pengcece
Character Animation: 秀峰
2D Animation: JD_Breeder
Compositors: Loyarn, 航航,蔣旭,pengcece
Music: jinzhenpp