اختيار Studio Gang لتصميم توسعة مركز كلينتون الرئاسي في أركنساس

Studio Gang selected to design expansion of Clinton Presidential Center in Arkansas,

Studio Gang was chosen by the Clinton Foundation,

a nonprofit organization founded by former US President Bill Clinton,

to expand the programming of the existing building.

The program also calls for a new Hillary Rodham Clinton Institute to house the former First Lady and the Secretary of State’s personal archives.

Located near the Arkansas River, the current site includes a number of historic and contemporary structures, including the main building,

It is an ultra-modern five-storey elongated building designed by the American studio Polshek Partnership (now Ennead Architects) in 2004.


Studio Gang selected to design expansion of Clinton Presidential Center in Arkansas


Studio Gang selected to design expansion of Clinton Presidential Center in Arkansas


Studio Gang selected to design expansion of Clinton Presidential Center in Arkansas


Studio Gang selected to design expansion of Clinton Presidential Center in Arkansas


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