Studio Juliette Store

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Studio Juliette Retailer

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Stay Life Colorfully


Studio Juliette was first established in Windfall, Rhode Islandthe artistic capital of the US and residential to colourful wildlife. In 2020, we expanded from a design studio and launched the artwork poster model ‘Studio Juliette Retailer’. Studio Juliette is a globally lively model specializing in artwork posters and stationery. Every paintings attracts inspiration from the colours of the character and is made by way of the deliberate association of hand-cut paper onto a collage. The easy shapes and playful colours might be loved by kids and adults alike. We intention to encourage people to dwell a colourful life by exploring their numerous tastes and personalities.
스튜디오줄리엣은 미국 프로비던스에서 처음 시작되어, 2020년 한국에서 공식 런칭한 디자인 브랜드입니다. 
남녀노소 모두가 쉽게 공감할 수 있는 직관적인 형태의 일러스트와 영감을 주는 색다른 컬러조합이 특징입니다.
개인이 가진 다양한 취향과 개성을 존중하며 살아가는 다채로운 삶을 지향합니다.

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Studio Juliette

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