Today we are going to discuss The Impact of Global Warming on Architectural Design & What Will Result from the Intervention of Sustainable Architectural Design. Global warming is the fastest way that increase the temperature of the earth. It impacts the atmosphere and environment of the world. Global warming deals with the extreme climate change of the planet. It is a worldwide temperature alteration. It is also known as the greenhouse effect. Moreover, global warming occurs because of human activity that involves different things like farming and fossil fuel burning. These are the activities that can harm the atmosphere. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air contaminations gather in the climate.

Global warming can cause water shortage, heavy storm damage, fire threats, and temperature rises. He has so many effects on our daily life. We know that global warming is increasing the temperature of the earth gradually. It is also responsible for the gradual rise in sea levels. These are some critical facts that need in-depth analysis and perfect evaluation.

Architects and engineers also need to address the issue of global warming while designing the buildings. So, they must start to plan the construction of the buildings considering all significant aspects or facts of climate change.

The Intervention of the Sustainable Architectural Design

The construction of the buildings is responsible for the carbon emission related to energy. The architectural design that restricts the harmful effects of constructing the buildings is sustainable architectural design. A sustainable architectural design will minimize air pollution and help to improve the atmosphere. Therefore, with modern techniques, the architects must design sustainable structures that will not cause any harm to the environmental impacts.

So, let us have a look at the techniques that result in having a sustainable architectural design.

· Use of Sustainable Building Materials

You can call sustainable materials green building materials. Sustainable building materials refer to recycled or reused materials, are environmentally safe building construction materials. When the old structures are demolished or destroyed, the materials like great wood are recycled and restored. It is also resalable. You can restore all other parts of the old structure like windows, doors, shelves, and equipment and use them for the new ones. It is how the utilization of the new products is easy to reduce.

The designer using new goods will utilize materials that are conveniently available through natural resources. Sustainable building materials reduce waste.

A few examples of sustainable building materials are:

  1. Reclaimed lumber: This is the cheapest way to get reused material to avoid waste.
  2. Bamboo: This is the easiest way to get material through natural resources. It helps build different structures.
  3. Concrete alternatives: There are several alternates to concrete-like straw bales and grass create that minimizes the use of concrete.
  4. Recycled wood: Wood from the old buildings help to build environment-friendly structures.
  5. Wool: Utilize wool as an all-natural encasing for structures.

· Renewable Energy

The use of energy is a significant factor in designing a structure. Traditional electricity depends on fossil fuels. However, sustainable energy helps to reduce global warming emissions. Sustainable or renewable energy is environmentally friendly. Efficient energy techniques must be there to avoid heavy energy consumption. Sustainable energy does not cause any harm to the environment because it is purely natural. There are no different toxins transmitted through sustainable energy.

Also, There are several reasons why sustainable energy is significant. It is comparatively less expensive. Sustainable energy is a type of energy that satisfies our present need for energy without placing them at risk of getting exhausted. You can utilize it again and again. Sustainable energy requires support. Natural resources of the earth like sunlight and wind helps to generate it.

Here are a few forms of sustainable energy.

  1. Solar Energy: Produced using sunlight. Solar power provides global electricity through solar panels. The solar panels are easily recycled. Using solar energy instead of fossil fuels helps to improve the environmental issues.
  2. Ocean: The ocean can deliver two kinds of energy. The first one is thermal energy. The second one is mechanical energy. Thermal energy depends on the warm temperature of the ocean surface to produce energy, while mechanical energy depends on the flows of the ocean tides for energy. Both are the natural process of generating energy.

· Waste Control

A large part of the waste is related to the construction and destruction of buildings. Usually, waste will get generated during the inhabitance of the buildings, the creation of products that we devour regularly. The garbage has contributed to the corruption of land, air, and water.

You must include waste management to overcome the polluted environment. Control the waste by utilizing recycled materials and products that reduce carbon emissions and protect the climate. Recycling waste is cheap and cost-saving as well. It reduces garbage and helps in providing less expensive building materials.


In conclusion, Global warming is the gradual rise in the earth’s temperature. Climate change is noticeable and increasing daily. Transportation, farming, fertilizers, and garbage or waste are several reasons for global warming. Construction of the building is another factor that increases the pollution and becomes a reason for global warming.

Sustainable architectural design is a significant factor that can reduce carbon emissions and design environment-friendly buildings and structures. Besides, The architects using their excellent sustainable designs ensure a healthy environment free from several wastes and pollution. In a few cases, this can also generate energy. As a result, These sustainable architectural designs are more energy-efficient.

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