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Park Podilskyi
PARK PODILSKYILocation: KhmelnytskyiArea: 68 000 sqmStatus: concept (2019)Team: O.Dzhula-Reifschneider, D.Reifschneider, R.Dotsyak, M.Kuhar, I.Kuhar, A.DzhulaВ результаті дослідження існуючого використання парку, містобудіного оточення, рельєфу і спілкування з місцевою громадою викристалізувалась основна тема парку – районний пейзажний парк для сімейного відпочинку.Парк, яким мало б щодня користуватись певне коло користувачів, здебільшого постійних (місцевих жителів). Основні види дозвілля:- пікнік;- дитячі ігри;- заняття спортом;- прогулянки;- активний…

Designing glass facades and using appropriate glass materials
Glass is one of the most used traditional building materials because of its various advantages and various options.The glass gives the facade a shiny, delicate and elegant look while being durable and sustainable at the same time.Advantages of glass as…

Furniture and accessories design in interior design
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Report : Cryptid
1. IntroductionWe are the Unidentified Life Exploration Association, ULEA, that explores life around the globe. This document records the discovery and observation of life, commonly referred to as ‘cryptids’.본 기관은 지구 각지의 미확인 생물을 탐구하는 미확인 생명체 탐구 협회 ULEA이다. 해당 문서는 본 기관에서 주요하게 다루는 생명체, 통칭 ‘크립티드’를 발견하고 관찰한 내용을 기록한 문서이다. The document is…

Crescent: Mobile Finance App
Watch 10Clouds and Crescent talk about this project on LinkedIn LIVE!Let's build your next project together! Reach out to us on our websiteCreditsArt Direction: Wojciech TymickiIllustration Supervision: Igor KozakProduct Design: Monika Gulczyńska, Paweł PoterałaMotion Design: Wiktor Buksza, Wojciech TymickiBranding: Wiktor BukszaIllustration: Wiktor Buksza, Aleksander Buksza, Anton MatusevychWebflow Development: Maciej NowakProduct Delivery Manager: Firuza Harunova10clouds.com | Facebook | Dribbble | Twitter | Instagram

Different types of tiles and how to use them in interior design
Tile interior design has come a long way in the past few years, as this type of design is not only beautiful and elegant but can also be cost effective.And in this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know…

Park Podilskyi
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Designing glass facades and using appropriate glass materials
Glass is one of the most used traditional building materials because of its various advantages and various options.The glass gives the facade a shiny, delicate and elegant look while being durable and sustainable at the same time.Advantages of glass as…

Furniture and accessories design in interior design
Furniture and accessories design in interior design,Furniture is important to interior designers in the same way that books are important to librarians.Where interior design is concerned with designing spaces.furniture functionFurniture is an industrial or craft design that is used to…

Report : Cryptid
1. IntroductionWe are the Unidentified Life Exploration Association, ULEA, that explores life around the globe. This document records the discovery and observation of life, commonly referred to as ‘cryptids’.본 기관은 지구 각지의 미확인 생물을 탐구하는 미확인 생명체 탐구 협회 ULEA이다. 해당 문서는 본 기관에서 주요하게 다루는 생명체, 통칭 ‘크립티드’를 발견하고 관찰한 내용을 기록한 문서이다. The document is…

Crescent: Mobile Finance App
Watch 10Clouds and Crescent talk about this project on LinkedIn LIVE!Let's build your next project together! Reach out to us on our websiteCreditsArt Direction: Wojciech TymickiIllustration Supervision: Igor KozakProduct Design: Monika Gulczyńska, Paweł PoterałaMotion Design: Wiktor Buksza, Wojciech TymickiBranding: Wiktor BukszaIllustration: Wiktor Buksza, Aleksander Buksza, Anton MatusevychWebflow Development: Maciej NowakProduct Delivery Manager: Firuza Harunova10clouds.com | Facebook | Dribbble | Twitter | Instagram

Different types of tiles and how to use them in interior design
Tile interior design has come a long way in the past few years, as this type of design is not only beautiful and elegant but can also be cost effective.And in this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know…

Park Podilskyi
PARK PODILSKYILocation: KhmelnytskyiArea: 68 000 sqmStatus: concept (2019)Team: O.Dzhula-Reifschneider, D.Reifschneider, R.Dotsyak, M.Kuhar, I.Kuhar, A.DzhulaВ результаті дослідження існуючого використання парку, містобудіного оточення, рельєфу і спілкування з місцевою громадою викристалізувалась основна тема парку – районний пейзажний парк для сімейного відпочинку.Парк, яким мало б щодня користуватись певне коло користувачів, здебільшого постійних (місцевих жителів). Основні види дозвілля:- пікнік;- дитячі ігри;- заняття спортом;- прогулянки;- активний…

Designing glass facades and using appropriate glass materials
Glass is one of the most used traditional building materials because of its various advantages and various options.The glass gives the facade a shiny, delicate and elegant look while being durable and sustainable at the same time.Advantages of glass as…

Furniture and accessories design in interior design
Furniture and accessories design in interior design,Furniture is important to interior designers in the same way that books are important to librarians.Where interior design is concerned with designing spaces.furniture functionFurniture is an industrial or craft design that is used to…

Report : Cryptid
1. IntroductionWe are the Unidentified Life Exploration Association, ULEA, that explores life around the globe. This document records the discovery and observation of life, commonly referred to as ‘cryptids’.본 기관은 지구 각지의 미확인 생물을 탐구하는 미확인 생명체 탐구 협회 ULEA이다. 해당 문서는 본 기관에서 주요하게 다루는 생명체, 통칭 ‘크립티드’를 발견하고 관찰한 내용을 기록한 문서이다. The document is…

Crescent: Mobile Finance App
Watch 10Clouds and Crescent talk about this project on LinkedIn LIVE!Let's build your next project together! Reach out to us on our websiteCreditsArt Direction: Wojciech TymickiIllustration Supervision: Igor KozakProduct Design: Monika Gulczyńska, Paweł PoterałaMotion Design: Wiktor Buksza, Wojciech TymickiBranding: Wiktor BukszaIllustration: Wiktor Buksza, Aleksander Buksza, Anton MatusevychWebflow Development: Maciej NowakProduct Delivery Manager: Firuza Harunova10clouds.com | Facebook | Dribbble | Twitter | Instagram

Different types of tiles and how to use them in interior design
Tile interior design has come a long way in the past few years, as this type of design is not only beautiful and elegant but can also be cost effective.And in this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know…