The beauty of cityscape is enhanced by this futuristic parking place يتم تعزيز جمال منظر المدينة من خلال مكان وقوف السيارات المستقبلي هذا

Watt – a cutting-edge wireless charging tile for vehicles that are completely connected with a car stopper, according to Cheolhee Lee.

Cheolhee Lee, a bright inventor located in Korea, introduces “Watt.” It’s a cutting-edge wireless and advanced transportation charging tile that connects completely with a car stopper. Which therefore, significantly enhancing the charging area for electric vehicles.

The most crucial thing is to improve today’s ineffective charging station systems by integrating the automobile stopper and current transmitter. Which are critical components of the existing parking area.

Watt is a vehicle stopper that is crucial to the current parking lot and functions as an electric hub. Because it is not practical to construct more charging stations on a large scale.

In addition, as an eclectic all-in-one product, it deftly shields it and combines it in harmony with a wireless charging pad to experience an endless number of advantages.

The consumer scenario using the current parking lot is the same as this prospective product and service; just park your car as usual and you’ll have access to charging and standby services.

The stability provided by this innovative product’s basic design leads to practicality and psychological comfort, with a well-organized parking lot contributing to the beauty of an urban landscape.

Moreover, it blend in nicely with the surroundings of the futuristic parking lot by combining achromatic hues.

In order to maintain and further the function of the car stopper, Lee adds, “A direction indicating line is further included.”


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