British art and design studio Ben Rousseau has made a bold statement in the world of timekeeping with the release of the Tempus Obsidian, a contemporary reinterpretation of the traditional wall clock. This innovative timepiece combines modern technology with the mystical allure of Obsidian, resulting in a digital clock that is as much a piece of art as it is a functional object.

Aesthetic and Design Philosophy

The Tempus Obsidian wall clock features a glossy black face that serves as a mirror-like canvas for its digital display. The choice of a dark, mirrored surface is inspired by Obsidian, a naturally occurring volcanic glass known for its deep black color and reflective qualities. This material is often associated with clarity, protection, and emotional well-being, which aligns with the clock’s intended function as a source of tranquility in the home.

“People worldwide incorporate obsidian into meditation and dream work for its ability to clear confusion and promote emotional well-being,” explains Ben Rousseau. “These timepieces have been conceived and created to serve as beacons of serenity, inviting users to pause, reflect, and find solace in the rhythm of time.”

Functionality and User Interaction

Tempus Obsidian stands out not only for its sleek design but also for its innovative approach to time display. Unlike conventional wall clocks that use hands to indicate the time, Tempus Obsidian employs a digital display embedded within its glossy black face. This display shows hours, minutes, and seconds, offering a precise and clear reading of the time. The color of the digital display can be customized by the user, adding a layer of personalization to the timepiece.

This customization feature enhances user engagement, transforming the simple act of telling time into a more interactive and theatrical experience. “The Tempus range brings a sense of theatre and engagement to the simple act of telling the time,” states the brand. By allowing users to alter the display color, the clock can be adapted to match different moods or interior design schemes, further integrating it into the living space.

Symbolism and Emotional Resonance

The design and material choices behind Tempus Obsidian are deeply symbolic. Obsidian, with its rich history and spiritual associations, is believed to possess properties that promote clarity and emotional healing. This aligns with Rousseau’s vision of creating a timepiece that does more than just tell time—it also enhances the emotional well-being of its users.

Incorporating Obsidian into the design is not just about aesthetics but also about creating a sense of calm and introspection. The reflective surface encourages users to take a moment to pause and reflect, much like the meditative practices associated with the stone itself. This makes the Tempus Obsidian more than just a functional object; it becomes a part of the user’s daily routine, contributing to a sense of mindfulness and serenity.

Integration into Modern Interiors

The Tempus Obsidian’s contemporary design makes it a versatile addition to various interior settings. Its sleek, minimalist aesthetic complements modern decor, while the customizable digital display adds a dynamic element that can be tailored to fit different environments. Whether placed in a living room, office, or bedroom, the Tempus Obsidian serves as both a timekeeping device and a statement piece.

The mirror-like surface of the clock also adds depth and dimension to any space, reflecting light and surroundings in a way that enhances the overall ambiance. This reflective quality can make smaller spaces feel larger and more open, while also adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.


Ben Rousseau’s Tempus Obsidian redefines the traditional wall clock by merging modern technology with the timeless beauty and spiritual significance of Obsidian. This innovative timepiece offers a unique combination of functionality, aesthetic appeal, and emotional resonance. Its digital display, customizable features, and reflective surface create a dynamic and engaging experience for users, transforming the simple act of telling time into a moment of reflection and tranquility.

The Tempus Obsidian stands as a testament to Rousseau’s ability to blend art and design, creating objects that are not only visually striking but also deeply meaningful. By drawing on the properties of Obsidian, Rousseau has crafted a timepiece that encourages mindfulness and well-being, making it a valuable addition to any modern interior.


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