Full Time (Job share considered)

Fixed Term: The posts will start 1st September 2022.  The posts are for a fixed 12-month period and are non-renewable.

Interview Date:  Early June 2022

We are The Bartlett, UCL’s global faculty of the built environment. Individually, our schools and sections lead their fields. In partnership, they develop new responses to pressing world issues. As a whole, they represent a world-leading, multidisciplinary faculty, united by the radical spirit of UCL. Our vision is of a world where everything that’s built aims to add to the well-being of people and the environment.  The Bartlett School of Planning is one of the leading research-led planning schools within Europe. We have an international reputation as a centre of academic excellence in research, teaching and policy and practice interaction.  Two Post-doctoral Research Fellowships are being offered at the Bartlett School of Planning (BSP), UCL, in support of the School’s research priorities and strategy.

The posts will start 1st September 2022.  The posts are for a fixed 12-month period and are non-renewable.

The post-holder must have successfully defended their PhD on or after 1 May 2020 and completed all required amendments, if applicable because these are ‘first academic posts’, the post-holder must not have previously held a full-time Research Fellow, Associate, or Assistant post at any university, or a full time teaching or academic post. This does not preclude candidates who have held part-time positions or made incidental teaching or research contributions.

If you have any queries regarding the vacancy or the application process, please contact John Tomaney, j.tomaney@ucl.ac.uk.

Latest time for the submission of applications: 23:59.

Interview Date: Early June 2022

UCL Taking Action for Equality

We will consider applications to work on a part-time, flexible and job share basis wherever possible.

Our department holds an Athena SWAN Silver award, in recognition of our commitment and demonstrable impact in advancing gender equality.

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